Package: rcaiman

rcaiman: CAnopy IMage ANalysis

Tools for pre-processing and processing canopy photographs with support for raw data reading. Works with images taken with both regular and fisheye lenses (all types). Includes algorithms specifically designed to mitigate errors caused by direct sunlight.

Authors:Gastón Mauro Díaz [aut, cre]

rcaiman.pdf |rcaiman.html
rcaiman/json (API)

# Install 'rcaiman' in R:
install.packages('rcaiman', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:



3.48 score 1 stars 2 scripts 233 downloads 71 exports 70 dependencies

Last updated 5 days agofrom:d85aa358ad. Checks:3 OK, 2 NOTE, 3 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 28 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 28 2025
R-4.5-macERRORFeb 28 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 28 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 28 2025
R-4.4-macERRORFeb 28 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 28 2025
R-4.3-macERRORFeb 28 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Apply thresholdapply_thr
Build azimuth imageazimuth_image
Calculate canopy opennesscalc_co
Calculate diametercalc_diameter
Calc out-of-range indexcalc_oor_index
Calculate relative radiuscalc_relative_radius
Calc sky-normalized green difference (SNGD)calc_sngd
Calculate zenith raster coordinatescalc_zenith_colrow
Calibrate lenscalibrate_lens
Do chessboard segmentationchessboard
CIE sky model rastercie_sky_model_raster
Quantify colorfulnesscolorfulness
Correct vignetting effectcorrect_vignetting
Crop a canopy image from a filecrop_caim
Cross-calibrate lenscrosscalibrate_lens
Defuzzify a fuzzy classificationdefuzzify
Enhance canopy imageenhance_caim
Expand non-circularexpand_noncircular
Expand sky pointsexpand_sky_points
Extract digital numbersextract_dn
Extract featureextract_feature
Extract radiometry dataextract_radiometry
Extract relative luminanceextract_rl
Extract sky pointsextract_sky_points
Extract sun coordinatesextract_sun_coord
Find the general sky type closer to a given set of coeficientsfind_general_sky_type
Find sky pixelsfind_sky_pixels
Fisheye to equidistantfisheye_to_equidistant
Fisheye to panoramicfisheye_to_pano
Fit CIE sky modelfit_cie_sky_model
Fit cone-shaped modelfit_coneshaped_model
Fit a trend surface to sky digital numbersfit_trend_surface
Gamma back correctiongbc
Interpolate sky data into a raster and merge it with a sky model rasterinterpolate_and_merge
Interpolate sky pointsinterpolate_sky_points
Access the lens databaselens
Local fuzzy thresholdinglocal_fuzzy_thresholding
Mask hemispheremask_hs
Mask sunlit canopymask_sunlit_canopy
Image maskingmasking
Compute the membership to a target colormembership_to_color
Normalize datanormalize
Do object-based image analysis of canopy photographsobia
Out-of-the-box model-based local thresholdingootb_mblt
Out-of-the-box object-based image analysis of canopy photographsootb_obia
Out-of-the-box sky reconstructionootb_sky_reconstruction
Optimize a parameter of the function 'normalize()'optim_normalize
Percentage of clipped highlightspercentage_of_clipped_highlights
Do quad-tree segmentation in the polar spacepolar_qtree
Do quad-tree segmentationqtree
Read binarized imagesread_bin
Read a canopy image from a fileread_caim
Read a canopy image from a raw fileread_caim_raw
Read manual inputread_manual_input
Read optimized sky coefficientsread_opt_sky_coef
Regional thresholdingregional_thresholding
Do rings segmentationrings_segmentation
Obtain row and col numbers from zenith and azimuth anglesrow_col_from_zenith_azimuth
Do sectors segmentationsectors_segmentation
Do sky grid segmentationsky_grid_segmentation
Statistical outlier removal filtersor_filter
Test lens projection functionstest_lens_coef
Calculate a threshold with the isodata methodthr_isodata
Calculate thresholds with the model-based methodthr_mblt
Write binarized imageswrite_bin
Write canopy imagewrite_caim
Write reportwrite_report
Write sky pointswrite_sky_points
Write sun coordinateswrite_sun_coord
Obtain zenith and azimuth angles from row and col numberszenith_azimuth_from_row_col
Build Zenith imagezenith_image