Package 'rcaiman'

Title: CAnopy IMage ANalysis
Description: Tools for pre-processing and processing canopy photographs with support for raw data reading. Works with images taken with both regular and fisheye lenses (all types). Includes algorithms specifically designed to mitigate errors caused by direct sunlight.
Authors: Gastón Mauro Díaz [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gastón Mauro Díaz <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-03-07 14:33:24 UTC

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Apply threshold


Global or local thresholding of images.


apply_thr(r, thr)



SpatRaster. A greyscale image.


Numeric vector of length one or a single-layer raster from the class SpatRaster. Threshold.


It is a wrapper function around the operator > from the terra package. If a single threshold value is provided as the thr argument, it is applied to every pixel of the object r. If instead a SpatRaster is provided, a particular threshold is applied to each particular pixel.


An object of class SpatRaster with values 0 and 1.

See Also

Other Binarization Functions: obia(), ootb_mblt(), ootb_obia(), regional_thresholding(), thr_isodata(), thr_mblt()


r <- read_caim()
bin <- apply_thr(r$Blue, thr_isodata(r$Blue[]))
## Not run: 
# This function is useful in combination with the ‘autothresholdr’
# package. For example:
thr <- auto_thresh(r$Blue[], "IsoData")[1]
bin <- apply_thr(r$Blue, thr)

## End(Not run)

Build azimuth image


Build a single-layer image with azimuth angles as pixel values, assuming upwards-looking hemispherical photography with the optical axis vertically aligned.


azimuth_image(z, orientation = 0)



SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


Azimuth angle (degrees) at which the top of the image was pointing at the moment of taking the picture. This design decision was made because the usual field protocol is recording the angle at which the top of the camera points.


An object of class SpatRaster with azimuth angles in degrees. If the orientation argument is zero, North (0º) is pointing up as in maps, but East (90º) and West (270º) are flipped regarding to maps. To understand why, take two flash-card size pieces of paper; put one on a table in front of you and draw on it a compass rose; take the other and hold it with your arms extended over your head and, following the directions of the compass rose in front of you, draw another one in the paper side that is facing down—it will be an awkward position, like if you were taking an upward-looking photo with a mobile device while looking at the screen—; finally, put it down and compare both compass roses.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()


z <- zenith_image(600, lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
## Not run: 
a <- azimuth_image(z, 45)

## End(Not run)

Calculate canopy openness


Calculate canopy openness


calc_co(bin, z, a, m = NULL, angle_width = 10)



SpatRaster. Binarized hemispherical canopy image.


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. A mask. For hemispherical photographs, check mask_hs().


Numeric vector of length one. It should be ⁠30, 15, 10, 7.5, 6, 5, 3.75, 3, 2.5, 1.875, 1⁠ or 0.5 degrees. This constrain is rooted in the requirement of a value able to divide both the 0 to 360 and 0 to 90 ranges into a whole number of segments.


Canopy openness calculated as in the equation from Gonsamo et al. (2011):

CO=i=1NGF(ϕi,θi)[(cos(θ1)cos(θ2))/n]CO = \sum_{i = 1}^{N} GF(\phi_i, \theta_i) \cdot [(cos(\theta_1) - cos(\theta_2))/n],

where GF(ϕi,θi)GF(\phi_i, \theta_i) is the gap fraction of the cell ii, θ1\theta_1 and θ2\theta_2 are the minimum and maximum zenith angle of the cell ii, nn is the number of cells on the ring delimited by θ1\theta_1 and θ2\theta_2, and NN is the total number of cells.

When a mask is provided through the m argument, the equation is modified as follow:

CO=i=1NGF(ϕi,θi)[(cos(θ1)cos(θ2))/n]i=1N(cos(θ1)cos(θ2))/n\frac{ CO = \sum_{i = 1}^{N} GF(\phi_i, \theta_i) \cdot [(cos(\theta_1) - cos(\theta_2))/n] }{ \sum_{i = 1}^{N} (cos(\theta_1) - cos(\theta_2))/n}.

This allows the masking of any individual cell.


Numeric vector of length one.


Gonsamo A, Walter JN, Pellikka P (2011). “CIMES: A package of programs for determining canopy geometry and solar radiation regimes through hemispherical photographs.” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 79(2), 207–215. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2011.10.001.


caim <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- mask_hs(z, 0, 70)
bin <- apply_thr(caim$Blue, thr_isodata(caim$Blue[m]))
calc_co(bin, z, a, m, 10)

Calculate diameter


Calculate the diameter in pixels of a 180º fisheye image.


calc_diameter(lens_coef, radius, angle)



Numeric vector. Polynomial coefficients of the lens projection function. See calibrate_lens().


Numeric vector. Distance in pixels from the zenith.


Numeric vector. Zenith angle in degrees.


This function helps handle devices with a field of view different than 180º. Given a lens projection function and data points consisting of radii (pixels) and their correspondent zenith angle (θ\theta), it returns the horizon radius (i.e., the radius for θ\theta equal to 90º).

When working with non-circular hemispherical photography, this function will help to find the diameter that a circular image would have if the equipment would record the whole hemisphere.

The required data (radius-angle data pairs) can be obtained following the instructions given in the user manual of Hemisfer software. The following is a slightly simpler alternative:

  • Find a vertical wall and a leveled floor, both well-constructed.

  • Draw a triangle of 5×4×35 \times 4 \times 3 meters on the floor, with the 4-meter side over the wall.

  • Locate the camera over the vertex that is 3 meters away from the wall. Place it at a given height above the floor, 1.3 meters for instance.

  • Make a mark on the wall at the chosen height over the wall-vertex nearest to the camera-vertex. Make four more marks with one meter of spacing and following a horizontal line. This will create marks for 0º, 18º, 34º, 45º, and 54º θ\theta.

  • Before taking the photograph, do not forget to align the zenith coordinates with the 0º θ\theta mark and check if the optical axis is leveled.

The line selection tool of ImageJ can be used to measure the distance in pixels between points on the image. Draw a line, and use the dropdown menu Analyze>Measure to obtain its length.

For obtaining the projection of a new lens, refer to calibrate_lens().


Numeric vector of length one. Diameter adjusted to a whole number (see zenith_image() for details about that constrain).

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()


# Nikon D50 and Fisheye Nikkor 10.5mm lens
calc_diameter(lens("Nikkor_10.5mm"), 1202, 54)

Calc out-of-range index


The out-out-of-range (OOR) index is calculated as foollow:


calc_oor_index(r, sky)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster. The relative radiance of the unobscured sky


i=1N(ri/skyi)2\sum_{i = 1}^{N}(r_i/sky_i)^2,

where rr is a canopy image with relative radiance data, skysky is an image with unobstructed sky relative radiance data, ii is the index that represents the position of a given pixel on the raster grid, and NN is the total number of pixels that satisfy: ri/skyi<0r_i/sky_i<0 or ri/skyi>1r_i/sky_i>1.


Numeric vector of length one.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
r <- correct_vignetting(r, z, c(0.0638, -0.101)) %>% normalize()

bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30), "thr_isodata")
bin <- bin & mask_hs(z, 0, 80)
sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 3))
sky_points <- extract_rl(r, z, a, sky_points, no_of_points = NULL)

model <- fit_coneshaped_model(sky_points$sky_points)
sky_cs <- model$fun(z, a)
calc_oor_index(r, sky_cs)

## End(Not run)

Calculate relative radius


Calculate the relative radius given a zenith angle and lens function. This is known as the projection function.


calc_relative_radius(angle, lens_coef)



Numeric vector. Zenith angles in degrees.


Numeric vector. Polynomial coefficients of the lens projection function. See calibrate_lens().

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()

Calc sky-normalized green difference (SNGD)


Calc sky-normalized green difference (SNGD)


calc_sngd(caim, z, a, bin, angle = 60, kern_size = 3)



SpatRaster. The output of read_caim() or read_caim_raw().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. It should be the result of binarizing an enhaced canopy image (see enhance_caim(), apply_thr(), and thr_isodata())


Numeric vector of length one. Zenith angle in degrees. The canopy below this value of zenith angle will not be analyzed.


Numeric vector of length one. Controls the morphological operation used to remove pixels on the canopy silhouette, which are likely to be mixed pixeles.


Numeric vector of length one.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- .caim <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !

r <- caim$Blue

bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30),
                             method = "thr_isodata")
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
sun_coord <- extract_sun_coord(r, z, a, bin, g)

.a <- azimuth_image(z, orientation = sun_coord$zenith_azimuth[2]+90)
seg <- sectors_segmentation(.a, 180) * rings_segmentation(z, 30)
bin <- regional_thresholding(r, seg, method = "thr_isodata")

mx <- optim_normalize(caim, bin)
caim <- normalize(caim, mx = mx, force_range = TRUE)
ecaim <- enhance_caim(caim, m, HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5))
bin <- apply_thr(ecaim, thr_isodata(ecaim[m]))

calc_sngd(.caim, z, a, bin)

## End(Not run)

Calculate zenith raster coordinates


Calculate zenith raster coordinates from points digitized with the open-source software package ‘ImageJ’. The zenith is the point on the image that represents the zenith when upward-looking photographs are taken with the optical axis vertically aligned.





Character vector. Path to a CSV file created with the point selection tool of ‘ImageJ’ software.


The technique described under the headline ‘Optical center characterization’ of the user manual of the software Can-Eye can be used to acquire the data for determining the zenith coordinates. This technique was used by Pekin and Macfarlane (2009), among others. Briefly, it consists in drilling a small hole in the cap of the fisheye lens (it must be away from the center of the cap), and taking about ten photographs without removing the cap. The cap must be rotated about 30º before taking each photograph.(NOTE: The method implemented here does not support multiple holes).

The point selection tool of ‘ImageJ’ software should be used to manually digitize the white dots and create a CSV file to feed this function. After digitizing the points on the image, use the dropdown menu Analyze>Measure to open the Results window. To obtain the CSV file, use File>Save As...

Another method–only valid when enough of the circle perimeter is depicted in the image– is taking a very bright picture (for example, a picture of the corner of a room with walls painted in light colors) with the lens completely free (do not use any mount). Then, digitize points over the circle perimeter. This was the method used for producing the example file (see Examples). It is worth noting that the perimeter of the circle depicted in a circular hemispherical photograph is not necessarily the horizon.


Numeric vector of length two. Raster coordinates of the zenith, assuming a lens facing up with its optical axis parallel to the vertical line. It is important to note the difference between the raster coordinates and the Cartesian coordinates. In the latter, the vertical axis value decreases downward, but the opposite is true for the raster coordinates, which works like a spreadsheet.


Pekin B, Macfarlane C (2009). “Measurement of crown cover and leaf area index using digital cover photography and its application to remote sensing.” Remote Sensing, 1(4), 1298–1320. doi:10.3390/rs1041298.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/points_over_perimeter.csv",
                    package = "rcaiman")

## End(Not run)

Calibrate lens


Calibrate a fisheye lens


calibrate_lens(path_to_csv, degree = 3)



Character vector. Path to a CSV file created with the point selection tool of ‘ImageJ’ software.


Numeric vector of length one. Polynomial model degree.


Fisheye lenses have a wide field of view and the same distortion in all directions running orthogonally to the optical axis. The latter property allows fitting a precise mathematical relationship between distances to the zenith on the image space and zenith angles on the hemispherical space (assuming upward-looking hemispherical photography with the optical axis vertically aligned).

The method outlined here, known as the simple method, is explained in details in Díaz et al. (2024). Next explanation might serve mostly as a handbook.

Step-by-step guide for producing a CSV file to feed this function

  • this package and ImageJ

  • camera and lens

  • tripod

  • standard yoga mat

  • table at least as wide as the yoga mat width

  • twenty two push pins of different colors

  • one print of this sheet (A1 size, almost like a research poster).

  • scissors

  • some patience


Cut the sheet by the dashed line. Place the yoga mat extended on top of the table. Place the sheet on top of the yoga mat. Align the dashed line with the yoga mat border closest to you. Place push pins on each cross. If you are gentle, the yoga mat will allow you to do that without damaging the table. Of course, other materials could be used to obtain the same result, such as cardboard, foam, nails, etc.

Calibration board

Place the camera on the tripod. Align its optical axis with the table while looking for getting an image showing the overlapping of the three pairs of push pins, as instructed in the print. In order to take care of the line of pins at 90º relative to the optical axis, it may be of help to use the naked eye to align the entrance pupil of the lens with the pins. The alignment of the push pins only guarantees the position of the lens entrance pupil, the leveling should be cheeked with an instrument, and the alignment between the optical axis and the radius of the zenith push pin should be taken into account. In practice, the latter is achieved by aligning the camera body with the orthogonal frame made by the quarter circle.

Take a photo and transfer it to the computer, open it with ImageJ, and use the point selection tool to digitize the push pins, starting from the zenith push pin and not skipping any shown push pin. End with an additional point where the image meets the surrounding black (or the last pixel in case there is not blackness because it is not a circular hemispherical image. There is no need to follow the line formed by the push pins). Then, use the dropdown menu Analyze>Measure to open the window Results. To obtain the CSV, use File>Save As...

Points digitization with ImageJ

Use test_lens_coef() to test if coefficients are OK.


An object of class list with named elements. ds is the dataset used to fit the model, model is the fitted model (class lm, see stats::lm()), horizon_radius is the radius at 90º, lens_coef is a numeric vector of length equal to the degree argument containing the polynomial model coefficients for predicting relative radius (coefficients(model)/horizon_radius), zenith_colrow are the raster coordinates of the zenith push pin, max_theta is the maximum zenith angle in degrees, and max_theta_px is the distance in pixels between the zenith and the maximum zenith angle in pixels units.


If we imagine the fisheye image as an analog clock, it is possible to calibrate 3 o'clock by attaching the camera to the tripod in landscape mode while leaving the quarter-circle at the lens's right side. To calibrate 9 o'clock, it will be necessary to rotate the camera to put the quarter-circle at the lens's left side. To calibrate 12 and 6 o'clock, it will be necessary to do the same but with the camera in portrait mode. If several directions are sampled with this procedure, a character vector of length greater than one in which each element is a path to a CSV files could be provided as the path_to_csv argument.


Díaz GM, Lang M, Kaha M (2024). “Simple calibration of fisheye lenses for hemipherical photography of the forest canopy.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 352, 110020. ISSN 0168-1923, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110020.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()


path <- system.file("external/Results_calibration.csv", package = "rcaiman")
calibration <- calibrate_lens(path)
calibration$lens_coef %>% signif(3)

## Not run: 
test_lens_coef(calibration$lens_coef) #MacOS and Windows tend to differ here
test_lens_coef(c(0.628, 0.0399, -0.0217))

## End(Not run)

.fp <- function(theta, lens_coef) {
  x <- lens_coef[1:5]
  x[] <- 0
  for (i in 1:5) assign(letters[i], x[i])
  a * theta + b * theta^2 + c * theta^3 + d * theta^4 + e * theta^5

theta <- seq(0, pi/2, pi/180)
lines(theta, .fp(theta, coefficients(calibration$model)))

Do chessboard segmentation


Do chessboard segmentation


chessboard(r, size)





Numeric vector of length one. Size of the square segments.


A single layer image of the class SpatRaster with integer values.

See Also

Other Segmentation Functions: mask_hs(), mask_sunlit_canopy(), polar_qtree(), qtree(), rings_segmentation(), sectors_segmentation(), sky_grid_segmentation()


caim <- read_caim()
seg <- chessboard(caim, 20)
plot(extract_feature(caim$Blue, seg))

CIE sky model raster


CIE sky model raster


cie_sky_model_raster(z, a, sun_coord, sky_coef)



SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


Numeric vector of length two. The solar disk center represented with zenith and azimuth angles in degrees.


Numeric vector of length five. Parameters of the sky model.

See Also

Other Sky Reconstruction Functions: fit_cie_sky_model(), fit_coneshaped_model(), fit_trend_surface(), interpolate_and_merge(), interpolate_sky_points(), ootb_fit_cie_sky_model()


z <- zenith_image(50, lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
path <- system.file("external", package = "rcaiman")
skies <- read.csv(file.path(path, "15_CIE_standard_skies.csv"))
# parameters are from
sky_coef <- skies[4,1:5]
sun_coord <- c(45, 0)
plot(cie_sky_model_raster(z, a, sun_coord, sky_coef))

Quantify colorfulness


Quantify the colorfulness of an image


colorfulness(caim, m = NULL)



SpatRaster. The output of read_caim() or read_caim_raw().


SpatRaster. A mask. For hemispherical photographs, check mask_hs(). Default (NULL) is the equivalent to enter !$Red).


Quantify the colorfulness of an sRGB image using a bidimensional space formed by the green/red and the blue/yellow axes of the CIE LAB space, symbolized with A and B, respectively. The colorfulness index (CI) is defined as

CI=AoAp100CI = \dfrac{A_o}{A_p} \cdot 100,

where AoA_o and ApA_p are the observed and potential area of the AB plane. AoA_o refers to the colors from the image while ApA_p to the colors from the whole sRGB cube.


A numeric vector of length one.


An early version of this function was used in Martin et al. (2020).


Martin DA, Wurz A, Osen K, Grass I, Hölscher D, Rabemanantsoa T, Tscharntke T, Kreft H (2020). “Shade-Tree Rehabilitation in Vanilla Agroforests is Yield Neutral and May Translate into Landscape-Scale Canopy Cover Gains.” Ecosystems, 24(5), 1253–1267. doi:10.1007/s10021-020-00586-5.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize()

Correct vignetting effect


Correct vignetting effect


correct_vignetting(r, z, lens_coef_v)



SpatRaster. A fish-eye image.


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


Numeric vector. Coefficients of a vignetting function (fvf_v) of the type fv=1+aθ+bθ2+...+mθnf_v = 1 + a \cdot \theta + b \cdot \theta^2 + ... + m \cdot \theta^n, where θ\theta is the zenith angle, a,b,ca, b, c and mm are the coefficients. The maximum polynomial degree supported is sixth. See extract_radiometry() for additional details.


The argument r but with corrected values.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
r <- correct_vignetting(r, z, c(0.0638, -0.101))

Crop a canopy image from a file


Function that complements read_caim() and read_caim_raw()


crop_caim(r, upper_left = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL)





An integer vector of length two. The pixels coordinates of the upper left corner of a region of interest (ROI). These coordinates should be in the raster coordinates system. This system works like a spreadsheet, i.e, when going down through the vertical axis, the row number increases (IMPORTANT: column and row must be provided instead of row and column, as is the norm for objects of the class data.frame and others alike)

width, height

An integer vector of length one. The size of the boxy ROI whose upper left corner is the upper_left argument.




caim <- read_caim()
caim <- crop_caim(caim, c(231,334), 15, 10)

Cross-calibrate lens


Cross-calibrate lens


  degree = 3


path_to_csv_uncal, path_to_csv_cal

Character vector of length one. Path to a CSV file created with the point selection tool of ‘ImageJ’ software (cal and uncal stand for calibrated and uncalibrated, respectively).

zenith_colrow_uncal, zenith_colrow_cal

Numeric vector of length two. Raster coordinates of the zenith. See calc_zenith_colrow() (cal and uncal stand for calibrated and uncalibrated, respectively).


Numeric vector of length one. Diameter in pixels of the image taken with the calibrated camera.




Numeric vector of length one. Polynomial model degree.


Read the help page of calibrate_lens() for understanding the theory being this function.

This function is intended to be used when a camera calibrated with a method of higher accuracy than the one proposed in calibrate_lens() is available or there is a main camera to which all other devices should be adjusted.

It requires two photographs taken from the exact same location with the calibrated and uncalibrated camera. This means that the lens entrance pupils should match and the optical axes should be aligned.

Points should be digitized in tandem with ImageJ and saved as CSV files.


An object of class list with named elements. ds is the dataset used to fit the model, model is the fitted model (class lm, see stats::lm()), horizon_radius is the radius at 90º, lens_coef is a numeric vector of length equal to the degree argument containing the polynomial model coefficients for predicting relative radius (coefficients(model)/horizon_radius).

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()

Defuzzify a fuzzy classification


This function translates degree of membership into Boolean logic using a regional approach. The output ensures that the fuzzy and Boolean versions remain consistent at the specified level of aggregation (controlled by the argument segmentation). This method makes perfect sense to translate a subpixel classification of gap fraction (or a linear ratio) into a binary product.


defuzzify(mem, segmentation)



A SpatRaster object representing the degree of membership in a fuzzy classification.


An object of the class SpatRaster such as an object returned by sky_grid_segmentation().


An object of the class SpatRaster containing binary information.


This method is also available in the HSP software package (Lang et al. 2013).


Lang M, Kodar A, Arumäe T (2013). “Restoration of above canopy reference hemispherical image from below canopy measurements for plant area index estimation in forests.” Forestry Studies, 59(1), 13–27. doi:10.2478/fsmu-2013-0008.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
r <- correct_vignetting(r, z, c(0.0638, -0.101)) %>% normalize()
bin <- find_sky_pixels(r, z, a)
bin <- ootb_mblt(r, z, a, bin)
ratio <- r / bin$sky_s
ratio <- normalize(ratio, 0, 1, TRUE)
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
bin2 <- defuzzify(ratio, g)
plot(abs(bin$bin - bin2))

## End(Not run)

Enhance canopy image


This function was first proposed in Díaz and Lencinas (2015). It uses the color perceptual attributes (hue, lightness, and chroma) to enhance the contrast between the sky and plants through fuzzy classification. It applies the next classification rules (here expressed in natural language): clear sky is blue and clouds decrease its chroma; if clouds are highly dense, then the sky is achromatic, and, in such cases, it can be light or dark; everything that does not match this description is not sky. These linguistic rules were translated to math language by means of fuzzy logic. This translation was thoughtfully explained in the aforementioned article.


  m = NULL,
  sky_blue = NULL,
  sigma = NULL,
  w_red = 0,
  thr = NULL,
  fuzziness = NULL,
  gamma = NULL



SpatRaster. The output of read_caim() or read_caim_raw().


SpatRaster. A mask. For hemispherical photographs, check mask_hs(). Default (NULL) is the equivalent to enter !$Red).


color. Is the target_color argument to be passed to membership_to_color(). Default (NULL) is the equivalent to enter sRGB(0.1, 0.4, 0.8)–the HEX color code is #1A66CC, it can be entered into a search engine (such as Mozilla Firefox) to see a color swatch.


Numeric vector of length one. Use NULL (default) to estimate it automatically as the euclidean distance between target_color and grey in the CIE LAB color space.


Numeric vector of length one. Weight of the red channel. A single layer image is calculated as a weighted average of the blue and red channels. This layer is used as lightness information. The weight of the blue is the complement of w_red.


Numeric vector of length one. Location parameter of the logistic membership function. Use NULL to estimate it automatically with thr_isodata().


Numeric vector of length one. This number is a constant value that scales mem. Use NULL to estimate it automatically as the midpoint between the maximum and minimum values of lightness.


Numeric vector of length one. This is for applying a gamma back correction to the lightness information (see Details and argument w_red).


This is a pixel-wise methodology that evaluates the possibility for a pixel to be member of the class Gap. High score could mean either high membership to sky_blue or, in the case of achromatic pixels, a high membership to values above thr. The algorithm internally uses membership_to_color() and local_fuzzy_thresholding(). The argument sky_blue is the target_color of the former function and its output is the argument mem of the latter function.

The argument sky_blue can be obtained from a photograph that clearly shows the sky. Then, it can be used to process all the others photograph taken with the same equipment, configuration, and protocol.

Via the gamma argument, gbc() can be internally used to back-correct the values passed to local_fuzzy_thresholding().


An object of class SpatRaster (with same pixel dimensions than caim) that should show more contrast between the sky and plant pixels than any of the individual bands from caim; if not, different parameters should be tested.


If you use this function in your research, please cite Díaz and Lencinas (2015) in addition to this package (⁠citation("rcaiman"⁠).

The default value of argument m is the equivalent to enter !$Red). See the Details section in local_fuzzy_thresholding() to understand how this argument can modify the output.


Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2015). “Enhanced gap fraction extraction from hemispherical photography.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(8), 1785–1789. doi:10.1109/lgrs.2015.2425931.

See Also

Other Pre-processing Functions: gbc(), local_fuzzy_thresholding(), membership_to_color(), normalize()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !

r <- normalize(caim$Blue)

bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30),
                             method = "thr_isodata")
mx <- optim_normalize(caim, bin)
mn <- min(caim[m])

sky_blue_sample <- crop_caim(caim, c(327, 239), 41, 89)
plotRGB(normalize(sky_blue_sample, mn, mx, TRUE)*255)
sky_blue <- apply(sky_blue_sample[], 2, median) %>%
  normalize(., mn, mx) %>%
  as.numeric() %>%
  matrix(., ncol = 3) %>%
# Use hex() to obtain the HEX color code. To see a color swatch, enter the
# HEX code into a search engine (such as Mozilla Firefox).
# NOTE: see extract_dn() for an alternative method to obtain sky_blue

as(sky_blue, "HSV") #saturatio (S) is low
# To obtain same hue (H) but greater saturation
sky_blue <- HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5) %>% as(., "sRGB") %>% as(., "LAB")

caim <- normalize(caim, mx = mx, force_range = TRUE)
ecaim <- enhance_caim(caim, m, sky_blue = sky_blue)

## to compare
plot(apply_thr(ecaim, thr_isodata(ecaim[m])))
plot(apply_thr(caim$Blue, thr_isodata(caim$Blue[m])))

## End(Not run)

Expand non-circular


Expand a non-circular hemispherical photograph.


expand_noncircular(caim, z, zenith_colrow)



SpatRaster. The output of read_caim() or read_caim_raw().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


Numeric vector of length two. Raster coordinates of the zenith. See calc_zenith_colrow().


An object of class SpatRaster that is the result of adding margins (NA pixels) to the argument caim. The zenith point depicted in the picture should be in the center of the image or very close to it.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()


## Not run: 

 # ====================================================================
 # Non-circular Fisheye images from a Smartphone with an Auxiliary Lens
 # (Also applicable to Non-circular images from DSLR cameras)
 # ====================================================================

 path <- system.file("external/APC_0581.jpg", package = "rcaiman")
 caim <- read_caim(path)
 z <- zenith_image(2132/2,  c(0.7836, 0.1512, -0.1558))
 a <- azimuth_image(z)
 zenith_colrow <- c(1063, 771)/2
 caim <- expand_noncircular(caim, z, zenith_colrow)
 plot(caim$Blue, col = seq(0,1,1/255) %>% grey())
 m <- !$Red) & !
 plot(m, add = TRUE, alpha = 0.3, legend = FALSE)

 # ============================
 # Restricted View Canopy Photo
 # ============================

 path <- system.file("external/APC_0020.jpg", package = "rcaiman")
 caim <- read_caim(path)
 caim <- normalize(caim)
 diameter <- calc_diameter(lens(), sqrt(nrow(caim)^2 + ncol(caim)^2)/2, 90)
 z <- zenith_image(diameter, lens())
 caim <- expand_noncircular(caim, z, c(ncol(caim)/2, nrow(caim)/2))
 m <- !$Red)
 a <- azimuth_image(z)
 caim[!m] <- 0
 z <- normalize(z, 0, 90) * 30.15 #60.3º diagonal FOV according to metadata
 plot(caim$Blue, col = seq(0,1,1/255) %>% grey())
 m <- !$Red) & !
 plot(m, add = TRUE, alpha = 0.3, legend = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Expand sky points


Expand sky points


  angle_width = 3,
  k = 20,
  p = 2,
  rmax = 20



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


The data.frame returned by extract_rl() or a data.frame with same structure and names.


Numeric vector of length one. It should be ⁠30, 15, 10, 7.5, 6, 5, 3.75, 3, 2.5, 1.875, 1⁠ or 0.5 degrees. This constrain is rooted in the requirement of a value able to divide both the 0 to 360 and 0 to 90 ranges into a whole number of segments.


Numeric vector of length one. Number of k-nearest neighbors.


Numeric vector of length one. Power for inverse-distance weighting.


Numeric vector of length one. The maximum radius for searching k-nearest neighbors (knn). Points are projected onto a unit-radius sphere, similar to the use of relative radius in image mapping. The spherical distance is then calculated and used to filter out points farther than rmax. The distance is expressed in degrees.


An object of the class data.frame. It is the input argument sky_points with the additional columns: a, z, and dn and additional rows obtained by knn interpolation.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
r <- caim$Blue
bin <- apply_thr(r, thr_isodata(r[]))
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)

# See fit_cie_sky_model() for details on the CSV file
path <- system.file("external/sky_points.csv",
                    package = "rcaiman")
sky_points <- read.csv(path)
sky_points <- sky_points[c("Y", "X")]
colnames(sky_points) <- c("row", "col")
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)

sky_points2 <- expand_sky_points(r, z, a, sky_points, angle_width = 5)
points(sky_points2$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points2$row, col = 2, pch = 10)

## End(Not run)

Extract digital numbers


Wrapper function around terra::extract().


extract_dn(r, img_points, use_window = TRUE, fun = NULL)



SpatRaster. A fish-eye image.


The output of extract_sky_points(), or an object of the same class and structure.


Logical vector of length one. If TRUE, a 3×33 \times 3 window will be used to extract the digital number from r.


A function that takes a vector as input and returns a one-length numeric or logical vector as output (e.g. mean).


An object of the class data.frame. It is the argument img_points with an added column per each layer from r. The layer names are used to name the new columns. If a function is provided as the fun argument, the result will be summarized per column using the provided function, and the row and col information will be omitted. Moreover, if r is an RGB image, a color will be returned instead of a data.frame. The latter feature is useful for obtaining the sky_blue argument for enhance_caim().


The point selection tool of ‘ImageJ’ software can be used to manually digitize points and create a CSV file from which to read coordinates (see Examples). After digitizing the points on the image, use the dropdown menu Analyze>Measure to open the Results window. To obtain the CSV file, use File>Save As...

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
r <- caim$Blue
bin <- apply_thr(r, thr_isodata(r[]))
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, g)
sky_points <- extract_dn(caim, sky_points)

# See fit_cie_sky_model() for details on the CSV file
path <- system.file("external/sky_points.csv",
                    package = "rcaiman")
sky_points <- read.csv(path)
sky_points <- sky_points[c("Y", "X")]
colnames(sky_points) <- c("row", "col")
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)
extract_dn(caim, sky_points, fun = median)

## End(Not run)

Extract feature


Extract features from raster images.


  fun = mean,
  return_raster = TRUE,
  ignore_label_0 = TRUE



SpatRaster. Single layer raster.


SpatRaster. The segmentation of r.


A function that takes a vector as input and returns a one-length numeric or logical vector as output (e.g. mean).


Logical vector of length one, see details.


Logical vector of length one. If this is TRUE, the segment labeled with 0 will be ignored.


Given a single-layer raster, a segmentation, and a function, extract_features will return a numeric vector or a SpatRaster depending on whether the parameter return_raster is TRUE or FALSE. For the first case, each pixel of each segment will adopt the respective extracted feature value. For the second case, the return will be a vector of length equal to the total number of segments. Each value will be obtained by processing all pixels that belong to a segment with the provided function.


If return_raster is set to TRUE, then an object of class SpatRaster with the same pixel dimensions than r will be returned. Otherwise, the return is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of segments found in segmentation.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


r <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(r),lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
print(extract_feature(r$Blue, g, return_raster = FALSE))
# plot(extract_feature(r$Blue, g, return_raster = TRUE))

Extract radiometry data


Extract radiometry from images taken with the aid of a portable light source and the calibration board detailed in calibrate_lens(). The end goal is to obtain the data required to model the vignetting effect.


extract_radiometry(l, size_px = NULL)



List of prepossessed images (SpatRaster) for radiometry sampling. These images must comply with the equidistant projection.


Numeric vector of length one. Diameter in pixels of the circular sampling area at the image center. This area is modified considering the equidistant projection distortion. Therefore, it will be visualized as an ellipse at any other place but the image center.


Lenses have the inconvenient property of increasingly attenuating light in the direction orthogonal to the optical axis. This phenomenon is known as the vignetting effect and varies with lens model and aperture setting. The method outlined here, known as the simple method, is explained in details in Díaz et al. (2024). Next explanation might serve mostly as a quick recap of it.

The development of the simple method was done with a Kindle Paperwhite eBooks reader of 6" with built-in light. However, an iPhone 6 plus was also tested in the early stages of development and no substantial differences were observed. A metal bookends desk book holder was used to fasten the eBook reader upright and a semi-transparent paper to favor a Lambertian light distribution. In addition, the latter was used to draw on in order to guide pixel sampling. The book holder also facilitated the alignment of the screen with the dotted lines of the printed quarter-circle.

Portable light source

As a general guideline, a wide variety of mobile devices could be used as light sources, but if scattered data points are obtained with it, then other light sources should be tested in order to double check that the light quality is not the reason for points scattering.

With the room only illuminated by the portable light source, nine photographs should be taken with the light source located in the equivalent to 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 degrees of zenith angle, respectively. Camera configuration should be in manual mode and set with the aperture (f/number) for which a vignetting function is required. The shutter speed should be regulated to obtain light-source pixels with middle grey values. The nine photographs should be taken without changing the camera configuration and the light conditions.

Obtaining radiometric data

This code exemplify how to use the function to obtain the data and base R functions to obtain the vignetting function (fvf_v).

zenith_colrow <- c(1500, 997)*2
diameter <- 947*4
z <- zenith_image(diameter, c(0.689, 0.0131, -0.0295))
a <- azimuth_image(z)

.read_raw <- function(path_to_raw_file) {
  r <- read_caim_raw(path_to_raw_file, z, a, zenith_colrow,
                     radius = 500, only_blue = TRUE)

l <- Map(.read_raw, dir("raw/up/", full.names = TRUE))
up_data <- extract_radiometry(l)
l <- Map(.read_raw, dir("raw/down/", full.names = TRUE))
down_data <- extract_radiometry(l)
l <- Map(.read_raw, dir("raw/right/", full.names = TRUE))
right_data <- extract_radiometry(l)
l <- Map(.read_raw, dir("raw/left/", full.names = TRUE))
left_data <- extract_radiometry(l)

ds <- rbind(up_data, down_data, right_data, left_data)

plot(ds, xlim = c(0, pi/2), ylim= c(0.5,1.05),
      col = c(rep(1,9),rep(2,9),rep(3,9),rep(4,9)))
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("up", "down", "right", "left"),
       col = 1:4, pch = 1)

fit <- lm((1 - ds$radiometry) ~ poly(ds$theta, 3, raw = TRUE) - 1)
coef <- -fit$coefficients #did you notice the minus sign?
.fv <- function(x) 1 + coef[1] * x + coef[2] * x^2 + coef[3] * x^3
curve(.fv, add = TRUE, col = 2)

Once one of the aperture settings is calibrated, it can be used to calibrate all the rest. To do so, the equipment should be used to take photographs in all desired exposition and without moving the camera, including the aperture already calibrated and preferably under an open sky in stable diffuse light conditions. The same procedure, which minor adaptations, is applicable to cross-camera calibration. Below code could be used as a template.

zenith_colrow <- c(1500, 997)*2
diameter <- 947*4
z <- zenith_image(diameter, c(0.689, 0.0131, -0.0295))
a <- azimuth_image(z)

files <- dir("raw/", full.names = TRUE)
l <- list()
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
  if (i == 1) {
    # because the first aperture was the one already calibrated
    lens_coef_v <- c(0.0302, -0.320, 0.0908)
  } else {
    lens_coef_v <- NULL
  l[[i]] <- read_caim_raw(files[i], z, a, zenith_colrow,
                          radius = 500,
                          only_blue = TRUE,
                          lens_coef_v = lens_coef_v)

ref <- l[[1]]
rings <- rings_segmentation(zenith_image(ncol(ref), lens()), 3)
theta <- seq(1.5, 90 - 1.5, 3) * pi/180

.fun <- function(r) {
  r <- extract_feature(r, rings, return_raster = FALSE)

l <- Map(.fun, l)

.fun <- function(x) {
  x / l[[1]][] # because the first is the one already calibrated
radiometry <- Map(.fun, l)

l <- list()
for (i in 2:length(radiometry)) {
  l[[i-1]] <- data.frame(theta = theta, radiometry = radiometry[[i]][])
ds <- l[[1]]
# The result is one dataset (ds) for each file. This is all what it is needed
# before using base R functions to fit a vignetting function


An object of the class data.frame with columns theta (zenith angle in radians) and radiometry (digital number (DN) or relative digital number (RDN), depending on argument z_thr.


Díaz GM, Lang M, Kaha M (2024). “Simple calibration of fisheye lenses for hemipherical photography of the forest canopy.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 352, 110020. ISSN 0168-1923, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110020.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()

Extract relative luminance


Extract the luminance relative to the zenith digital number


  no_of_points = 3,
  z_thr = 5,
  use_window = TRUE,
  min_spherical_dist = NULL



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


An object of class data.frame. The output of extract_sky_points(). As an alternative, both ImageJ and HSP software package (Lang et al. 2013) can be used to manually digitize points. See extract_dn() and read_manual_input() for details.


Numeric vector of length one. The number of near-zenith points required for the estimation of the zenith DN.


Numeric vector on length one. The starting maximum zenith angle used to search for near-zenith points.


Logical vector of length one. If TRUE, a 3×33 \times 3 window will be used to extract the digital number from r.


Numeric vector of length one. This parameter filters out points based on their proximity on a spherical surface. Essentially, this is the spherical counterpart of the min_raster_dist argument from extract_sky_points(). The distance is expressed in degrees.


The search for near-zenith points starts in the region ranged between 0 and z_thr. If the number of near-zenith points is less than no_of_points, the region increases by steps of 2 degrees of zenith angle till the required number of points is reached.


A list of three objects, zenith_dn and max_zenith_angle from the class numeric, and sky_points of the class data.frame; zenith_dn is the estimated zenith digital number, max_zenith_angle is the maximum zenith angle reached in the search for near-zenith sky points, and sky_points is the input argument sky_points with the additional columns: a, z, dn, and rl, which stand for azimuth and zenith angle in degrees, digital number, and relative luminance, respectively. If NULL is provided as no_of_points, then zenith_dn is forced to one and, therefore, dn and rl will be identical.


Lang M, Kodar A, Arumäe T (2013). “Restoration of above canopy reference hemispherical image from below canopy measurements for plant area index estimation in forests.” Forestry Studies, 59(1), 13–27. doi:10.2478/fsmu-2013-0008.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)

# See fit_cie_sky_model() for details on the CSV file
path <- system.file("external/sky_points.csv",
                    package = "rcaiman")
sky_points <- read.csv(path)
sky_points <- sky_points[c("Y", "X")]
colnames(sky_points) <- c("row", "col")

points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)
rl <- extract_rl(caim$Blue, z, a, sky_points, 1, min_spherical_dist = 10)
points(rl$sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - rl$sky_points$row, col = 3, pch = 0)

## End(Not run)

Extract sky points


Extract sky points for model fitting


extract_sky_points(r, bin, g, dist_to_plant = 3, min_raster_dist = 3)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster. This should be a preliminary binarization of r useful for masking pixels that are very likely pure sky pixels.


SpatRaster built with sky_grid_segmentation() or chessboard().

dist_to_plant, min_raster_dist

Numeric vector of length one or NULL.


This function will automatically sample sky pixels from the sky regions delimited by bin. The density and distribution of the sampling points is controlled by the arguments g, dist_to_plant, and min_raster_dist.

As the first step, sky pixels from r are evaluated to find the pixel with maximum digital value (local maximum) per cell of the g argument. The dist_to_plant argument allows users to establish a buffer zone for bin, meaning a size reduction of the original sky regions.

The final step is filtering these local maximum values by evaluating the Euclidean distances between them on the raster space. Any new point with a distance from existing points minor than min_raster_dist is discarded. Cell labels determine the order in which the points are evaluated.

To skip a given filtering step, use code NULL as argument input. For instance, min_raster_dist = NULL will return points omitting the final step.


An object of the class data.frame with two columns named row and col.

See Also


Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
r <- caim$Blue
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !
bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30),
                             method = "thr_isodata")
mx <- optim_normalize(caim, bin)
caim <- normalize(caim, 0, mx, TRUE)
sky_blue <- HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5)
ecaim <- enhance_caim(caim, m, sky_blue = sky_blue)
bin <- apply_thr(ecaim, thr_isodata(ecaim[m]))
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, g,
                                 dist_to_plant = 3,
                                 min_raster_dist = 10)
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)

## End(Not run)

Extract sun coordinates


Extract the sun coordinates for CIE sky model fitting.


extract_sun_coord(r, z, a, bin, g, max_angular_dist = 30)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. This should be a preliminary binarization of r useful for masking pixels that are very likely pure sky pixels.


SpatRaster built with sky_grid_segmentation() or chessboard().


Numeric vector of length one. Angle in degrees to control the potential maximum size of the solar corona.


This function uses an object-based image analyze framework. The segmentation is given by g and bin. For every cell of g, the pixels from r that are equal to one on bin are selected and its maximum value is calculated. Then, the 95th percentile of these maximum values is computed and used to filter out cells below that threshold; i.e, only the cells with at least one extremely bright sky pixel is selected.

The selected cells are grouped based on adjacency, and new bigger segments are created from these groups. The degree of membership to the class Sun is calculated for every new segment by computing the number of cells that constitute the segment and its mean digital number (values taken from r). In other words, the largest and brightest segments are the ones that score higher. The one with the highest score is selected as the sun seed.

The angular distance from the sun seed to every other segments are computed, and only the segments not farther than max_angular_dist are classified as part of the sun corona. A multi-part segment is created by merging the sun-corona segments and, finally, the center of its bounding box is considered as the sun location.


Object of class list with two numeric vectors of length two named row_col and zenith_azimuth. The former is the raster coordinates of the solar disk (row and column), and the other is the angular coordinates (zenith and azimuth angles in degrees).

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
r <- caim$Blue
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !
bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30),
                             method = "thr_isodata")
mx <- optim_normalize(caim, bin)
caim <- normalize(caim, 0, mx, TRUE)
sky_blue <- HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5)
ecaim <- enhance_caim(caim, m, sky_blue = sky_blue)
bin <- apply_thr(ecaim, thr_isodata(ecaim[m]))
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
sun_coord <- extract_sun_coord(r, z, a, bin, g, max_angular_dist = 30)
points(sun_coord$row_col[2], nrow(caim) - sun_coord$row_col[1],
        col = 3, pch = 10)

## End(Not run)

Find the general sky type attributable to a given set of coefficients


Find the general sky type attributable to a given set of coefficients





An object of the class list. The result of calling fit_cie_sky_model().


A character vector of length one.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)

# Manual method following Lang et al. (2010) using QGIS
path <- system.file("external/sky_points.gpkg",
                    package = "rcaiman")
sky_points <- terra::vect(path)
sky_points <- terra::extract(caim, sky_points, cells = TRUE)
sky_points <- terra::rowColFromCell(caim, sky_points$cell) %>%
colnames(sky_points) <- c("row", "col")
xy <- c(210, 451) #taken with click() after x11(), then hardcoded here
sun_coord <- zenith_azimuth_from_row_col(z, a, c(nrow(z) - xy[2],xy[1]))

rl <- extract_rl(caim$Blue, z, a, sky_points)

model <- fit_cie_sky_model(rl, sun_coord,
                           general_sky_type = "Clear",
                           twilight = FALSE,
                           method = "CG")

## End(Not run)

Find sky pixels


Find sky pixels automatically.


find_sky_pixels(r, z, a, sample_size_pct = 30)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


Numeric vector of length one. Minimum percentage of cells to sample. The population is comprised of 1296 cells of 5×55 \times 5 degrees.


This function assumes that:

  • there is at least one pure sky pixel at the level of cells of 30×3030 \times 30 degrees, and

  • sky pixels have a digital number (DN) greater than canopy pixels have.

For each 30×3030 \times 30 cell, this method computes a quantile value and uses it as a threshold to select the pure sky pixels from the given cell. As a result, a binarized image is produced in a regional binarization fashion (regional_thresholding()). This process starts with a quantile probability of 0.99. After producing the binarized image, this function uses a search grid with cells of 5×55 \times 5 degrees to count how many of these cells have at least one sky pixel (pixels equal to one in the binarized image). If the percentage of cells with sky pixels does not reach argument sample_size_pct, it goes back to the binarization step but decreasing the probability by 0.01 points.

If probability reach 0.9 and the sample_size_pct criterion were not yet satisfied, the sample_size_pct is decreased one percent and the process starts all over again.


An object of class SpatRaster with values 0 and 1. This layer masks pixels that are very likely pure sky pixels.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize(., 0, 20847)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
r <- caim$Blue
r[] <- 0
bin <- find_sky_pixels(r, z, a)

## End(Not run)

Fisheye to equidistant


Fisheye to equidistant projection (also known as polar projection).


  m = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  k = NULL,
  p = NULL,
  rmax = 100



SpatRaster. A fish-eye image.


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. A mask. For hemispherical photographs, check mask_hs().


Numeric integer of length one. Radius of the reprojected hemispherical image (i.e., the output).


Numeric vector of length one. Number of k-nearest neighbors.


Numeric vector of length one. Power for inverse-distance weighting.


Numeric vector of length one. Maximum radius where to search for knn. Increase this value if pixels with value 0 or FALSE appears where other values are expected.


The pixel values and their image coordinates are treated as points to be reprojected and interpolated. To that end, this function use lidR::knnidw() as workhorse function, so arguments k, p, and rmax are passed to it. If the user does not input values to these arguments, both k and p are automatically defined by default as follow: when a binarized image is provided as argument r, both parameters are set to 1; otherwise, they are set to 9 and 2, respectively.


Default value for the radius argument is equivalent to input the radius of the r argument.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
r <- correct_vignetting(r, z, c(0.0638, -0.101)) %>% normalize()
bin <- find_sky_pixels(r, z, a)
bin <- ootb_mblt(r, z, a, bin)$bin
bin_equi <- fisheye_to_equidistant(bin, z, a)
# Use write_bin(bin, "path/file_name") to have a file ready
# to calcute LAI with CIMES, GLA, CAN-EYE, etc.

# It can be used to reproject RGB photographs
caim <- fisheye_to_equidistant(caim, z, a)

## End(Not run)

Fisheye to panoramic


Fisheye to panoramic (cylindrical projection)


fisheye_to_pano(r, z, a, fun = mean, angle_width = 1)



SpatRaster. A fish-eye image.


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


A function that takes a vector as input and returns a one-length numeric or logical vector as output (e.g. mean).


Numeric vector of length one. It should be ⁠30, 15, 10, 7.5, 6, 5, 3.75, 3, 2.5, 1.875, 1⁠ or 0.5 degrees. This constrain is rooted in the requirement of a value able to divide both the 0 to 360 and 0 to 90 ranges into a whole number of segments.


An early version of this function was used in Díaz et al. (2021).


Díaz GM, Negri PA, Lencinas JD (2021). “Toward making canopy hemispherical photography independent of illumination conditions: A deep-learning-based approach.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 296, 108234. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108234.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), lens(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
pano <- fisheye_to_pano(caim, z, a)
plotRGB(pano %>% normalize() %>% multiply_by(255))

## End(Not run)

Fit CIE sky model


Use maximum likelihood to estimate the coefficients of the CIE sky model that best fit to data sampled from a canopy photograph.


  custom_sky_coef = NULL,
  std_sky_no = NULL,
  general_sky_type = NULL,
  twilight = TRUE,
  method = "BFGS"



An object of class list. The output of extract_rl() or an object with same structure and names.


An object of class list. The output of extract_sun_coord() or an object with same structure and names. See also row_col_from_zenith_azimuth() in case you want to provide values based on date and time of acquisition and the suncalc package.


Numeric vector of length five or a numeric matrix with five columns. Custom starting coefficients of the sky model. By default, they are drawn from standard skies.


Numeric vector. Standard sky number from Li et al. (2016)'s Table 1.


Character vector of length one. It could be any of these: "Overcast", "Clear", or "Partly cloudy". See Table 1 from Li et al. (2016) for additional details.


Logical vector of length one. If it is TRUE and the initial standard parameters belong to the "Clear" general sky type, sun zenith angles from 90 to 96 degrees will be tested (civic twilight). This is necessary since extract_sun_coord() can mistakenly recognize the center of what can be seen of the solar corona as the solar disk.


Optimization method to use. See optim.


This function is based on Lang et al. (2010). In theory, the best result would be obtained with data showing a linear relation between digital numbers and the amount of light reaching the sensor. See extract_radiometry() and read_caim_raw() for further details. As a compromise solution, gbc() can be used.

The following code exemplifies how this package can be used to compare the manually-guided fitting provided by HSP (Lang et al. 2013) against the automatic fitting provided by this package. The code assumes that the user is working within an RStudio project located in the HSP project folder.

r <- read_caim("manipulate/IMG_1013.pgm") %>% normalize()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(r), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
manual_input <- read_manual_input(".", "IMG_1013" )
sun_coord <- manual_input$sun_coord$row_col
sun_coord <- zenith_azimuth_from_row_col(z, sun_coord, lens())
sky_points <- manual_input$sky_points
rl <- extract_rl(r, z, a, sky_points)
model <- fit_cie_sky_model(rl, sun_coord)
cie_sky <- model$relative_luminance * model$zenith_dn

r <- read_caim("manipulate/IMG_1013.pgm")
sky_coef <- read_opt_sky_coef(".", "IMG_1013")
cie_sky_m <- cie_sky_model_raster(z, a, sun_coord$zenith_azimuth, sky_coef)
cie_sky_m <- cie_sky_manual * manual_input$zenith_dn


An object of the class list. The result includes the following: (1) the output produced by bbmle::mle2(), (2) the 5 coefficients of the CIE model, (3) observed values, (4) predicted values, (5) the digital number at the zenith, (6) the sun coordinates (zenith and azimuth angle in degrees), (7) the optimization method (see bbmle::mle2()), and the initial values for optimizer (see bbmle::mle2()). To lear more about these initial values, see Li et al. (2016). If bbmle::mle2() does not converge, (1) will be NA and (2) will contain the coefficients of a standard sky (the one with less RMSE when more than one is tried).


The point selection tool of ‘ImageJ’ software can be used to manually digitize points and create a CSV file from which to read coordinates (see Examples). After digitizing the points on the image, use the dropdown menu Analyze>Measure to open the Results window. To obtain the CSV file, use File>Save As...

The QGIS software can also be used to manually digitize points. In order to do that, drag and drop the image in an empty project, create an new vector layer, digitize points manually, save the editions, and close the project. To create the new vector layer go to the dropdown menu Layer>Create Layer>New Geopackage Layer...

Choose "point" in the Geometry type dropdown list and make sure the CRS is EPSG:7589. To be able to input the points, remember to click first on the Toogle Editing icon, and then on the Add Points Feature icon.

If you use this function in your research, please cite Lang et al. (2010) in addition to this package (⁠citation("rcaiman"⁠)).


Lang M, Kodar A, Arumäe T (2013). “Restoration of above canopy reference hemispherical image from below canopy measurements for plant area index estimation in forests.” Forestry Studies, 59(1), 13–27. doi:10.2478/fsmu-2013-0008.

Lang M, Kuusk A, Mõttus M, Rautiainen M, Nilson T (2010). “Canopy gap fraction estimation from digital hemispherical images using sky radiance models and a linear conversion method.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150(1), 20–29. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.08.001.

Li DH, Lou S, Lam JC, Wu RH (2016). “Determining solar irradiance on inclined planes from classified CIE (International Commission on Illumination) standard skies.” Energy, 101, 462–470. doi:10.1016/

See Also

Other Sky Reconstruction Functions: cie_sky_model_raster(), fit_coneshaped_model(), fit_trend_surface(), interpolate_and_merge(), interpolate_sky_points(), ootb_fit_cie_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)

# Manual method following Lang et al. (2010)
# ImageJ can be used to digitize points
path <- system.file("external/sky_points.csv",
                    package = "rcaiman")
sky_points <- read.csv(path)
sky_points <- sky_points[c("Y", "X")]
colnames(sky_points) <- c("row", "col")
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)

# Idem for QGIS
path <- system.file("external/sky_points.gpkg",
                    package = "rcaiman")
sky_points <- terra::vect(path)
sky_points <- terra::extract(caim, sky_points, cells = TRUE)
sky_points <- terra::rowColFromCell(caim, sky_points$cell) %>%
colnames(sky_points) <- c("row", "col")
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)

xy <- c(210, 451) #taken with click() after x11(), then hardcoded here
sun_coord <- zenith_azimuth_from_row_col(z, a, c(nrow(z) - xy[2],xy[1]))
points(sun_coord$row_col[2], nrow(caim) - sun_coord$row_col[1],
       col = 3, pch = 1)

rl <- extract_rl(caim$Blue, z, a, sky_points)

model <- fit_cie_sky_model(rl, sun_coord,
                           general_sky_type = "Clear",
                           twilight = FALSE,
                           method = "CG")
plot(model$obs, model$pred)
lm(model$pred~model$obs) %>% summary()

sky_cie <- cie_sky_model_raster(z, a,
                                model$coef) * model$zenith_dn

## End(Not run)

Fit cone-shaped model


Statistical modeling for predicting digital numbers from spherical coordinates.


fit_coneshaped_model(sky_points, use_azimuth_angle = TRUE)



The data.frame returned by extract_rl() or a data.frame with same structure and names.


Logical vector of length one. If TRUE, the Equation 4 from Díaz and Lencinas (2018)) is used: sDN=a+bθ+cθ2+dsin(ϕ)+ecos(ϕ)sDN = a + b \cdot \theta + c \cdot \theta^2 + d \cdot sin(\phi) + e \cdot cos(\phi), where sDNsDN is sky digital number, a,b,c,da,b,c,d and ee are coefficients, θ\theta is zenith angle, and ϕ\phi is azimuth angle. If FALSE, the next simplified version based on Wagner (2001) is used: sDN=a+bθ+cθ2sDN = a + b \cdot \theta + c \cdot \theta^2.


This method was presented in Díaz and Lencinas (2018), under the heading Estimation of the sky DN as a previous step for our method. If you use this function in your research, please cite that paper in addition to this package (⁠citation("rcaiman"⁠).


A list of two objects, one of class function and the other of class lm (see stats::lm()). If the fitting fails, it returns NULL. The function requires two arguments–zenith and azimuth in degrees–to return relative luminance.


Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2018). “Model-based local thresholding for canopy hemispherical photography.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(10), 1204–1216. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2018-0006.

Wagner S (2001). “Relative radiance measurements and zenith angle dependent segmentation in hemispherical photography.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 107(2), 103–115. doi:10.1016/s0168-1923(00)00232-x.

See Also


Other Sky Reconstruction Functions: cie_sky_model_raster(), fit_cie_sky_model(), fit_trend_surface(), interpolate_and_merge(), interpolate_sky_points(), ootb_fit_cie_sky_model()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
r <- correct_vignetting(r, z, c(0.0638, -0.101)) %>% normalize()

bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30), "thr_isodata")
bin <- bin & mask_hs(z, 0, 80)
sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 3))
sky_points <- extract_rl(r, z, a, sky_points, no_of_points = NULL)

model <- fit_coneshaped_model(sky_points$sky_points)
sky_cs <- model$fun(z, a)
plot(r/sky_cs > 0.5)

z <- zenith_image(50, lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
sky_cs <- model$fun(z, a)
persp(sky_cs, theta = 90, phi = 20)

## End(Not run)

Fit a trend surface to sky digital numbers


Fit a trend surface using as workhorse function.


fit_trend_surface(r, z, a, bin, filling_source = NULL, np = 6)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. This should be a preliminary binarization of r useful for masking pixels that are very likely pure sky pixels.


SpatRaster. An actual or reconstructed above-canopy image to complement the sky pixels detected through the gaps of r. A photograph taken immediately after or before taking r under the open sky with the same equipment and configuration is a very good option but not recommended under fleeting clouds. The orientation relative to the North must be the same as for r. If it is set to NULL (default), only sky pixels from r will be used as input.


degree of polynomial surface


This function is meant to be used after fit_coneshaped_model().

This method was presented in Díaz and Lencinas (2018), under the heading Estimation of the sky DN as a previous step for our method. If you use this function in your research, please cite that paper in addition to this package (⁠citation("rcaiman"⁠).


A list with an object of class SpatRaster and of class trls (see


If an incomplete above-canopy image is available as filling source, non-sky pixels should be turned NA or they will be erroneously considered as sky pixels.


Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2018). “Model-based local thresholding for canopy hemispherical photography.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(10), 1204–1216. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2018-0006.

See Also


Other Sky Reconstruction Functions: cie_sky_model_raster(), fit_cie_sky_model(), fit_coneshaped_model(), interpolate_and_merge(), interpolate_sky_points(), ootb_fit_cie_sky_model()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
r <- correct_vignetting(r, z, c(0.0638, -0.101)) %>% normalize()

bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30), "thr_isodata")
bin <- bin & mask_hs(z, 0, 80)
sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 3))
sky_points <- extract_rl(r, z, a, sky_points, no_of_points = NULL)

model <- fit_coneshaped_model(sky_points$sky_points)
sky_cs <- model$fun(z, a)

sky_s <- fit_trend_surface(r, z, a, bin, sky_cs)$image

## End(Not run)

Gamma back correction


Gamma back correction of JPEG images


gbc(DN_from_JPEG, gamma = 2.2)



Numeric vector or object of the SpatRaster class. Digital numbers from a JPEG file (0 to 255, i.e., the standard 8-bit encoded).


Numeric vector of length one. Gamma value. Please see Díaz and Lencinas (2018) for details.


Digital cameras usually use sRGB as color space. It is a standard developed to ensure accurate color and tone management. The transfer function of sRGB, known as gamma correction, is very close to a power function with the exponent 1/2.2. This is why a DN of a born-digital photograph that was encoded in sRGB has a non-linear relationship with luminance despite having the sensor a linear response to it.


The same class as the DN_from_JPEG argument, with dimension unchanged but values rescaled between 0 and 1 in a non-linear fashion.


Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2018). “Model-based local thresholding for canopy hemispherical photography.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(10), 1204–1216. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2018-0006.

See Also

Other Pre-processing Functions: enhance_caim(), local_fuzzy_thresholding(), membership_to_color(), normalize()


path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
r <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)

Interpolate sky data into a raster and merge it with a sky model raster


This function is part of the efforts to automate the method proposed by Lang et al. (2010). A paper for thoroughly presenting and testing this pipeline is under preparation.


interpolate_and_merge(r, z, a, sky_points, ootb_sky, rmax_tune = 1)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


An object of class data.frame. The output of extract_sky_points() or expand_sky_points.


An object of the class list that is the result of calling ootb_fit_cie_sky_model().


Numeric vector of length one. It must be a positive integer. It is used to fine tune the rmax argument that is computed internally (see Details).


An object of class SpatRaster.


Lang M, Kuusk A, Mõttus M, Rautiainen M, Nilson T (2010). “Canopy gap fraction estimation from digital hemispherical images using sky radiance models and a linear conversion method.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150(1), 20–29. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.08.001.

See Also

Other Sky Reconstruction Functions: cie_sky_model_raster(), fit_cie_sky_model(), fit_coneshaped_model(), fit_trend_surface(), interpolate_sky_points(), ootb_fit_cie_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
r <- caim$Blue
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)

path <- system.file("external/ootb_sky.txt", package = "rcaiman")
ootb_sky <- read_ootb_sky_model(gsub(".txt", "", path))

sky <- interpolate_and_merge(r, z, a, ootb_sky$sky_points[,c("row", "col")],

bin <- apply_thr(r/sky$sky, 0.75)

g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 5, first_ring_different = TRUE)
sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, g, dist_to_plant = 3,
                                 min_raster_dist = 9)

points(ootb_sky$sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - ootb_sky$sky_points$row,
       col = 2, pch = 10)
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 4, pch = 10)
sky_points <- extract_rl(r, z, a, sky_points, no_of_points = NULL)$sky_points
i <- sor_filter(sky_points, r, k = 3)

sky2 <- interpolate_and_merge(r, z, a, sky_points[i, c("row", "col")],
                              ootb_sky, rmax_tune = 0.75)

sky_points <- expand_sky_points(r, z, a, sky_points[i, c("row", "col")],
                                angle_width = 1.875,
                                k= 3, rmax = 20)
sky_points <- sor_filter(sky_points) %>% sky_points[. ,]
sky2 <- interpolate_and_merge(r, z, a, sky_points, ootb_sky, rmax_tune = 0.75)

## End(Not run)

Interpolate sky points


Interpolate values from canopy photographs.


interpolate_sky_points(sky_points, r, k = 3, p = 2, rmax = 200, col_id = "rl")



An object of class data.frame. The data.frame returned by extract_rl() or extract_dn(), or a data.frame with same basic structure and names.


SpatRaster. The image from which sky_points was obtained.


Numeric vector of length one. Number of k-nearest neighbors.


Numeric vector of length one. Power for inverse-distance weighting.


Numeric vector of length one. Maximum radius for searching k-nearest neighbors (knn).


Numeric vector of length one. ID of the column with the values to interpolate.


This function use lidR::knnidw() as workhorse function, so arguments k, p, and rmax are passed to it.

This function is based on Lang et al. (2010). In theory, the best result would be obtained with data showing a linear relation between digital numbers and the amount of light reaching the sensor. See extract_radiometry() and read_caim_raw() for further details. As a compromise solution, gbc() can be used.

Default parameters are the ones used by Lang et al. (2010). The argument rmax should account for between 15 to 20 degrees, but it is expressed in pixels units. So, image resolution and lens projections should be taken into account to set this argument properly.


An object of class SpatRaster.


Lang M, Kuusk A, Mõttus M, Rautiainen M, Nilson T (2010). “Canopy gap fraction estimation from digital hemispherical images using sky radiance models and a linear conversion method.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150(1), 20–29. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.08.001.

See Also

Other Sky Reconstruction Functions: cie_sky_model_raster(), fit_cie_sky_model(), fit_coneshaped_model(), fit_trend_surface(), interpolate_and_merge(), ootb_fit_cie_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
r <- caim$Blue %>% normalize()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !
bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30),
                             method = "thr_isodata")
mx <- optim_normalize(caim, bin)
caim <- normalize(caim, 0, mx, TRUE)

sky_blue <- HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5)
ecaim <- enhance_caim(caim, m, sky_blue = sky_blue)
bin <- apply_thr(ecaim, thr_isodata(ecaim[m]))

g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, g, dist_to_plant = 3)
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)
sky_points <- extract_dn(r, sky_points)

sky <- interpolate_sky_points(sky_points, r, col_id = 3)

## End(Not run)

Access the lens database


Database of lens projection functions and field of views.


lens(type = "equidistant", max_fov = FALSE)



Character vector of length one. The name of the lens.


Logical vector of length one. Use TRUE to return the maximum field of view in degrees.


In upward-looking leveled hemispherical photography, the zenith is the center of a circle whose perimeter is the horizon. This is true only if the lens field of view is 180º. The relative radius is the radius of concentric circles expressed as a fraction of the radius that belongs to the circle that has the horizon as perimeter. The equidistant model, also called polar, is the most widely used as a standard reference. Real lenses can approximate the projection models, but they always have some kind of distortion. In the equidistant model, the relation between zenith angle and relative radius is modeled with a straight line. Following Hemisfer software, this package uses a polynomial curve to model lens distortion. A third-order polynomial is sufficient in most cases (Frazer et al. 2001). Equations should be fitted with angles in radians.

Eventually, this will be a large database, but only the following lenses are available at the moment:

  • equidistant: standard equidistant projection (Schneider et al. 2009).

  • Nikkor_10.5mm: AF DX Fisheye Nikkor 10.5mm f/2.8G ED (Pekin and Macfarlane 2009)

  • Nikon_FCE9: Nikon FC-E9 converter (Díaz et al. 2024)

  • Olloclip: Auxiliary lens for mobile devices made by Olloclip (Díaz et al. 2024)

  • Nikkor_8mm: AF–S Fisheye Nikkor 8–15mm f/3.5–4.5E ED (Díaz et al. 2024)


If max_fov is set to TRUE, it returns a numeric vector of length one, which is the lens maximum field of view in degrees. Otherwise, it returns a numeric vector with the coefficients of the lens function.


Díaz GM, Lang M, Kaha M (2024). “Simple calibration of fisheye lenses for hemipherical photography of the forest canopy.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 352, 110020. ISSN 0168-1923, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110020.

Frazer GW, Fournier RA, Trofymow JA, Hall RJ (2001). “A comparison of digital and film fisheye photography for analysis of forest canopy structure and gap light transmission.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 109(4), 249–263. doi:10.1016/s0168-1923(01)00274-x.

Pekin B, Macfarlane C (2009). “Measurement of crown cover and leaf area index using digital cover photography and its application to remote sensing.” Remote Sensing, 1(4), 1298–1320. doi:10.3390/rs1041298.

Schneider D, Schwalbe E, Maas H (2009). “Validation of geometric models for fisheye lenses.” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 64(3), 259–266. doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2009.01.001.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), test_lens_coef(), zenith_image()


lens("Nikon_FCE9", max_fov = TRUE)

.fp <- function(theta, lens_coef) {
  x <- lens_coef[1:5]
  x[] <- 0
  for (i in 1:5) assign(letters[i], x[i])
  a * theta + b * theta^2 + c * theta^3 + d * theta^4 + e * theta^5

theta <- seq(0, pi/2, pi/180)
plot(theta, .fp(theta, lens()), type = "l", lty = 2,
      ylab = "relative radius")
lines(theta, .fp(theta, lens("Nikon_FCE9")))

Local fuzzy thresholding


This function was first presented in Díaz and Lencinas (2015). It uses a threshold value as the location parameter of a logistic membership function whose scale parameter depends on a variable, here named mem. This dependence can be explained as follows: if the variable is equal to 1, then the membership function is same as a threshold function because the scale parameter is 0; lowering the variable increases the scale parameter, thus blurring the threshold because it decreases the steepness of the curve. Since the variable is defined pixel by pixel, this should be considered as a local fuzzy thresholding method.


local_fuzzy_thresholding(lightness, m, mem, thr = NULL, fuzziness = NULL)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image (see normalize()).


SpatRaster. A mask. For hemispherical photographs, check mask_hs().


SpatRaster. It is the scale parameter of the logistic membership function. Typically it is obtained with membership_to_color().


Numeric vector of length one. Location parameter of the logistic membership function. Use NULL to estimate it automatically with thr_isodata().


Numeric vector of length one. This number is a constant value that scales mem. Use NULL to estimate it automatically as the midpoint between the maximum and minimum values of lightness.


Argument m can be used to affect the automatic estimation of thr and fuzziness.

If you use this function in your research, please cite Díaz and Lencinas (2015) in addition to this package (⁠citation("rcaiman"⁠).


An object of class SpatRaster with same pixel dimensions than caim. Depending on mem, changes could be subtle.


Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2015). “Enhanced gap fraction extraction from hemispherical photography.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(8), 1785–1789. doi:10.1109/lgrs.2015.2425931.

See Also

Other Pre-processing Functions: enhance_caim(), gbc(), membership_to_color(), normalize()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !

caim <- normalize(caim)

# ImageJ can be used to digitize points
path <- system.file("external/sky_points.csv",
                    package = "rcaiman")
img_points <- read.csv(path)
img_points <- img_points[c("Y", "X")]
colnames(img_points) <- c("row", "col")
target_color <- extract_dn(caim, img_points, fun = median)
as(target_color, "HSV")
target_color <- HSV(240, 0.85, 0.5) #to increase saturation

mem <- membership_to_color(caim, target_color)
mem_thr <- local_fuzzy_thresholding(mean(caim), m,  mem$membership_to_grey)

## End(Not run)

Mask hemisphere


Given a zenith or azimuth image and angle restrictions, this function produces a mask.


mask_hs(r, from, to)



SpatRaster built with zenith_image() or azimuth_image().

from, to

angle in degrees, inclusive limits.


An object of class SpatRaster with values 0 and 1.

See Also


Other Segmentation Functions: chessboard(), mask_sunlit_canopy(), polar_qtree(), qtree(), rings_segmentation(), sectors_segmentation(), sky_grid_segmentation()


## Not run: 
z <- zenith_image(1000, lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m1 <- mask_hs(z, 20, 70)
m2 <- mask_hs(a, 330,360)
plot(m1 & m2)
plot(m1 | m2)

# 15 degrees at each side of 0
m1 <- mask_hs(a, 0, 15)
m2 <- mask_hs(a, 345, 360)
plot(m1 | m2)

# better use this
# instead of this
plot(mask_hs(z, 0, 90))

## End(Not run)

Mask sunlit canopy


It is a wrapper function around membership_to_color(). It was developed with images in sRGB color space (Díaz 2023).


mask_sunlit_canopy(caim, m = NULL)



SpatRaster. The output of read_caim() or read_caim_raw().


SpatRaster. A mask. For hemispherical photographs, check mask_hs(). Default (NULL) is the equivalent to enter !$Red).


An object of class SpatRaster with values 0 and 1.


Díaz GM (2023). “Optimizing forest canopy structure retrieval from smartphone-based hemispherical photography.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(3), 875–884. doi:10.1111/2041-210x.14059.

See Also

Other Segmentation Functions: chessboard(), mask_hs(), polar_qtree(), qtree(), rings_segmentation(), sectors_segmentation(), sky_grid_segmentation()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/APC_0020.jpg", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path)
caim <- normalize(caim)
m <- mask_sunlit_canopy(caim)

## End(Not run)

Image masking


Image masking


masking(r, m, RGB = c(1, 0, 0))



SpatRaster. The image. Values should be normalized, see normalize(). Only methods for images with one or three layers have been implemented.


SpatRaster. A mask. For hemispherical photographs, check mask_hs().


Numeric vector of length three. RGB color code. Red is the default color.


An object of class SpatRaster that essentially is r with areas where m is equal to zero painted in a solid color. If r is a single layer image, then the layer is triplicated to allow the use of color.

See Also


Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
 r <- read_caim()
 z <- zenith_image(ncol(r), lens())
 a <- azimuth_image(z)
 m <- mask_hs(z, 20, 70) & mask_hs(a, 90, 180)

 masked_caim <-  masking(normalize(r), m)
 plotRGB(masked_caim * 255)

 masked_bin <- masking(apply_thr(r$Blue, 125), m)
 plotRGB(masked_bin * 255)
## End(Not run)

Compute the membership to a target color


This function was first presented in Díaz and Lencinas (2015). It computes the degree of membership to a color using two Gaussian membership functions and the axes A and B from the CIE LAB color space. The lightness dimension is not considered in the calculations.


membership_to_color(caim, target_color, sigma = NULL)



SpatRaster. The output of read_caim() or read_caim_raw().




Numeric vector of length one. Use NULL (default) to estimate it automatically as the euclidean distance between target_color and grey in the CIE LAB color space.


If you use this function in your research, please cite Díaz and Lencinas (2015) in addition to this package (⁠citation("rcaiman"⁠).


It returns an object of the class SpatRaster. First layer is the membership to the target color. Second layer is the membership to grey. Both memberships are calculated with same sigma.


Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2015). “Enhanced gap fraction extraction from hemispherical photography.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(8), 1785–1789. doi:10.1109/lgrs.2015.2425931.

See Also

Other Pre-processing Functions: enhance_caim(), gbc(), local_fuzzy_thresholding(), normalize()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !

sky_blue <- HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5)
mem <- membership_to_color(caim, sky_blue)

## End(Not run)

Normalize data


Normalize numeric and raster data.


normalize(r, mn = NULL, mx = NULL, force_range = FALSE)



SpatRaster or numeric vector.


Numeric vector of length one. Minimum expected value. Default is equivalent to enter the minimum value from r.


Numeric vector of length one. Maximum expected value. Default is equivalent to enter the maximum value from r.


Logical vector of length one. If it is TRUE, the range is forced to be between 0 and 1 by flattening values found below and above those limits.


Normalize data laying between mn and mx to the range 0 to 1. Data greater than mx get values greater than 1 in a proportional fashion. Conversely, data less than mn get values less than 0.This function can be used for linear stretching of the histogram.


An object from the same class as r with values from r linearly rescaled to make mn equal to zero and mx equal to one. Therefore, if mn and mx do not match the actual minimum and maximum from r, then the output will not cover the 0-to-1 range and may be outside that range if force_range is set to FALSE.

See Also

Other Pre-processing Functions: enhance_caim(), gbc(), local_fuzzy_thresholding(), membership_to_color()



Do object-based image analysis of canopy photographs


Object-based image analysis targeting the canopy silhouette.


obia(r, z = NULL, a = NULL, bin, segmentation, gf_mn = 0.2, gf_mx = 0.95)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. This should be a working binarization of r without gross errors.


SpatRaster built with polar_qtree() or qtree().

gf_mn, gf_mx

Numeric vector of length one. The minimum/maximum gap fraction that a segment should comply with to be considered as one containing foliage.


This method was first presented in Díaz and Lencinas (2015). This version is simpler since it relies on a better working binarized image. The version from 2015 uses an automatic selection of samples followed by a knn classification of segments containing foliage. This version uses de gap fraction extracted from bin to classify foliage by defining upper and lower limits through the arguments gf_mx and gf_mn.

This method produces a synthetic layer by computing the ratio of r to the maximum value of r at the segment level. This process is carried out only on the pixels covered by the classes foliage and sky. The latter is defined by bin equal to one. To avoid spurious values, the quantile 0.9 is computed instead of the maximum. Pixels not belonging to the class foliage return as NA.

Default values of z and a allows the processing of restricted view photographs.

If you use this function in your research, please cite Díaz and Lencinas (2015) in addition to this package (⁠citation("rcaiman"⁠).




Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2015). “Enhanced gap fraction extraction from hemispherical photography.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(8), 1785–1789. doi:10.1109/lgrs.2015.2425931.

See Also

Other Binarization Functions: apply_thr(), ootb_mblt(), ootb_obia(), regional_thresholding(), thr_isodata(), thr_mblt()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !
ecaim <- enhance_caim(caim, m)
bin <- apply_thr(ecaim, thr_isodata(ecaim[m]))

seg <- polar_qtree(caim, z, a)
synth <- obia(caim$Blue, z, a, bin, seg)
foliage <- !
synth <- terra::cover(synth, bin)

## End(Not run)

Out-of-the-box fit CIE sky model


This function is a hard-coded version of a pipeline that uses these main functions extract_sun_coord(), extract_sky_points(), sor_filter(), extract_rl() and fit_cie_sky_model().


  sor_filter_cv = FALSE,
  sor_filter_dn = FALSE,
  refine_sun_coord = FALSE,
  min_spherical_dist = NULL,
  input_sky_points = NULL



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. A mask, check mask_hs().


SpatRaster. This should be a preliminary binarization of r useful for masking pixels that are very likely pure sky pixels.


SpatRaster built with sky_grid_segmentation() or chessboard().


Logical vector of length one. If TRUE, sor_filter() will be applied internally to filter out points using local variability at the scale of the 3×33 \times 3 window using for data extraction as the criterion. Local means not farther than 30 degrees.


Logical vector of length one. If TRUE, sor_filter() will be applied internally to filter out points using local darkness as the criterion. Local means not farther than 20 degrees.


Logical vector of length one


Numeric vector of length one. This parameter filters out points based on their proximity on a spherical surface. Essentially, this is the spherical counterpart of the min_raster_dist argument from extract_sky_points(). The distance is expressed in degrees.


An object of class data.frame with the same structure than the output of extract_sky_points(). This argument is convinient to provide manually digitized points, see fit_cie_sky_model() for details.


This function is part of the efforts to automate the method proposed by Lang et al. (2010). A paper for thoroughly presenting and testing this pipeline is under preparation.

The validation of the CIE sky model is done with a k-fold approach (k = 10) following Piñeiro et al. (2008)


A list with the following components:

  • An object of the SpatRaster) with the predicted digital number values.

  • The output produced by fit_cie_sky_model().

  • A list containing the result of model validation:

    • An object of class lm (see stats::lm()).

    • the coefficient of determination (r2r^2).

    • predicted values.

    • observed vales.

    • The root mean squared error (RMSE).

  • The dist_to_plant argument used in fit_cie_sky_model().

  • The sky_points argument used in extract_rl().


Lang M, Kuusk A, Mõttus M, Rautiainen M, Nilson T (2010). “Canopy gap fraction estimation from digital hemispherical images using sky radiance models and a linear conversion method.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150(1), 20–29. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.08.001.

Piñeiro G, Perelman S, Guerschman JP, Paruelo JM (2008). “How to evaluate models: Observed vs. predicted or predicted vs. observed?” Ecological Modelling, 216(3-4), 316–322. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.05.006.

See Also

Other Sky Reconstruction Functions: cie_sky_model_raster(), fit_cie_sky_model(), fit_coneshaped_model(), fit_trend_surface(), interpolate_and_merge(), interpolate_sky_points()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !

r <- caim$Blue

bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30),
                             method = "thr_isodata")
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
sun_coord <- extract_sun_coord(r, z, a, bin, g)

.a <- azimuth_image(z, orientation = sun_coord$zenith_azimuth[2]+90)
seg <- sectors_segmentation(.a, 180) * rings_segmentation(z, 30)
bin <- regional_thresholding(r, seg, method = "thr_isodata")

mx <- optim_normalize(caim, bin)
caim <- normalize(caim, mx = mx, force_range = TRUE)
ecaim <- enhance_caim(caim, m, HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5))
bin <- apply_thr(ecaim, thr_isodata(ecaim[m]))

g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10, first_ring_different = TRUE)
sky <- ootb_fit_cie_sky_model(r, z, a, m, bin , g,
                              sor_filter_cv = TRUE, sor_filter_dn = TRUE,
                              refine_sun_coord = TRUE,
                              min_spherical_dist = 3)

plot(sky$model_validation$predicted, sky$model_validation$observed)
error <- sky$model_validation$predicted - sky$model_validation$observed
plot(sky$sky_points$z[!sky$sky_points$outliers], error,
     xlab = "zenith angle", ylab = "relative radiance error")
abline(h = 0)

points(sky$sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky$sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)

## End(Not run)

Out-of-the-box model-based local thresholding


Out-of-the-box version of the model-based local thresholding (MBLT) algorithm


ootb_mblt(r, z, a, bin, w = 0.5)



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. This should be a preliminary binarization of r useful for masking pixels that are very likely pure sky pixels.


Numeric vector of length one. Weighting parameter from Díaz and Lencinas (2018)'s Equation 1. See thr_mblt()


The MBLT approach proposes a linear relationship between background value and optimal threshold value. This function is a hard-coded version of a MBLT pipeline. It uses statistical models for sky reconstruction of the type able to explain smooth changes in sky brightness. Therefore, it works best under clear skies or overcast conditions. After the reconstruction, local thresholds are linearly predicted from sky brightness values (see thr_mblt()).

As a high-level summary, the pipeline starts with a working binarized image and ends with a refined binarized image. It combines these main functions extract_sky_points(), fit_coneshaped_model(), and fit_trend_surface(). The code can be easily inspected by calling ootb_mblt without parenthesis. Advanced users can use the code as a template.

The MBLT algorithm was first presented in Díaz and Lencinas (2018). The version presented here differs from the original in the following main aspects:

  • The original version used a global thresholding method to provide sky points to the cone-shaped model. This one uses extract_sky_points() as a way to improve the extraction of pure sky points from working binarized images.

  • intercept and slope are automatically obtained using data from sky points and a linear model for accuracy evaluation after Piñeiro et al. (2008). This approach handles inaccuracies in background reconstruction (see thr_mblt() for additional details).

  • This version does not use asynchronous acquisition under the open sky, as the original method did. The cone-shaped model (fit_coneshaped_model()) run without a filling source and the cone-shaped sky is used as filling source for trend surface fitting (fit_trend_surface()).

This function searches for black objects against a light background. When regular canopy hemispherical images are provided as input, the algorithm will find dark canopy elements against a bright sky almost everywhere in the picture and, therefore, the result will fit user expectations. However, if a hemispherical photograph taken under the open sky is provided, this algorithm will be still searching for black objects against a light background, so the darker portions of the sky will be taken as objects, i.e., canopy. As a consequence, this will not fit users expectations since users will be looking for the classes Gap and No-gap, no matter if one of those are not in the picture itself. This kind of error could happen with photographs of open forests for the same working principle.

If you use this function in your research, please cite Díaz and Lencinas (2018) in addition to this package (citation("rcaiman")).


Object from class list containing the binarized image (named bin) and the reconstructed skies (named sky_cs and sky_s).


If NULL is provided as the w argument, the weight is calculated as the coefficient of determination (R2R^2) of the linear model for accuracy evaluation (Piñeiro et al. 2008).


Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2018). “Model-based local thresholding for canopy hemispherical photography.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(10), 1204–1216. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2018-0006.

Piñeiro G, Perelman S, Guerschman JP, Paruelo JM (2008). “How to evaluate models: Observed vs. predicted or predicted vs. observed?” Ecological Modelling, 216(3-4), 316–322. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.05.006.

See Also

Other Binarization Functions: apply_thr(), obia(), ootb_obia(), regional_thresholding(), thr_isodata(), thr_mblt()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
r <- correct_vignetting(r, z, c(0.0638, -0.101)) %>% normalize()
bin <- find_sky_pixels(r, z, a)
bin <- ootb_mblt(r, z, a, bin)

## End(Not run)

Out-of-the-box object-based image analysis of canopy photographs


Out-of-the-box version of methods first presented in Díaz and Lencinas (2015).


  z = NULL,
  a = NULL,
  m = NULL,
  sky_blue = NULL,
  w_red = 0,
  gamma = 2.2



SpatRaster. The output of read_caim() or read_caim_raw().


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


SpatRaster. Default (NULL) is the equivalent to enter ! for hemispherical photography, or enter !$Red) for restricted view photography.


color. Is the target_color argument to be passed to membership_to_color(). Default (NULL) is the equivalent to enter sRGB(0.1, 0.4, 0.8)–the HEX color code is #1A66CC, it can be entered into a search engine (such as Mozilla Firefox) to see a color swatch.


Numeric vector of length one. Weight of the red channel. A single layer image is calculated as a weighted average of the blue and red channels. This layer is used as lightness information. The weight of the blue is the complement of w_red.


Numeric vector of length one. This is for applying a gamma back correction to the lightness information (see Details and argument w_red).


This function is a hard-coded version of a pipeline that combines these main functions mask_sunlit_canopy(), enhance_caim(), polar_qtree()/qtree(), and obia(). The code can be easily inspected by calling ootb_obia –no parenthesis. Advanced users can use that code as a template.

Pixels from the synthetic layer returned by obia() that lay between 0 and 1 are assigned to the class plant only if they comply with the following conditions:

  • Their values are equal to 0 after defuzzify() with a sky grid segmentation of 10 degrees.

  • Their values are equal to 0 after apply_thr() with a threshold computed with thr_isodata().

  • They are not exclusively surrounded by sky pixels.

Use the default values of z and a to process restricted view photographs.

If you use this function in your research, please cite Díaz and Lencinas (2015) or Díaz (2023) in addition to this package (⁠citation("rcaiman"⁠)).


An object of class SpatRaster with values 0 and 1.


Díaz GM (2023). “Optimizing forest canopy structure retrieval from smartphone-based hemispherical photography.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(3), 875–884. doi:10.1111/2041-210x.14059.

Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2015). “Enhanced gap fraction extraction from hemispherical photography.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(8), 1785–1789. doi:10.1109/lgrs.2015.2425931.

See Also

Other Binarization Functions: apply_thr(), obia(), ootb_mblt(), regional_thresholding(), thr_isodata(), thr_mblt()


## Not run: 

# =====================================
# Hemispherical Photo from a Smartphone
# =====================================

path <- system.file("external/APC_0581.jpg", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path) %>% normalize()
z <- zenith_image(2132/2, c(0.7836, 0.1512, -0.1558))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
zenith_colrow <- c(1063, 771)/2
caim <- expand_noncircular(caim, z, zenith_colrow) %>% normalize()
m <- !$Red) & !
caim[!m] <- 0

bin <- ootb_obia(caim, z, a)

# ============================
# Restricted View Canopy Photo
# ============================

path <- system.file("external/APC_0020.jpg", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path) %>% normalize()

bin <- ootb_obia(caim)

## End(Not run)

Optimize a parameter of the function normalize()


Wrapper function for bbmle::mle2(). Optimize the mx argument of the function normalize() by maximizing colorfulness() and minimizing saturation.


optim_normalize(caim, bin, method = "BFGS")



SpatRaster. The output of read_caim() or read_caim_raw().


SpatRaster. This should be a preliminary binarization of r useful for masking pixels that are very likely pure sky pixels.


Optimization method to use. See optim.


Numeric vector of length one. The values for using as mx argument with normalize().

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !

mn <- quantile(caim$Blue[m], 0.01)
mx <- quantile(caim$Blue[m], 0.99)
r <- normalize(caim$Blue, mn, mx, TRUE)

bin <- find_sky_pixels(r, z, a)
mblt <- ootb_mblt(r, z, a, bin)

mx <- optim_normalize(caim, mblt$bin)
ncaim <- normalize(caim, mx = mx, force_range = TRUE)
percentage_of_clipped_highlights(ncaim$Blue, m)

## End(Not run)

Percentage of clipped highlights


Wrapper function for terra::freq()


percentage_of_clipped_highlights(r, m)



Single-layer object from the SpatRaster.


SpatRaster. A mask. For hemispherical photographs, check mask_hs().


Numeric vector of lenght one.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


r <- read_caim()$Blue
z <- zenith_image(ncol(r), lens())
m <- !
percentage_of_clipped_highlights(r, m)
r <- normalize(r, 0, 1000, TRUE)
percentage_of_clipped_highlights(r, m)

Do quad-tree segmentation in the polar space


The quad-tree segmentation algorithm is a top-down process that makes recursive divisions in four equal parts until a condition is satisfied and stops locally. The usual implementation of the quad-tree algorithm is based on the raster structure and this is why the result are squares of different sizes. This method implements the quad-tree segmentation in a polar space, so the segments are shaped like windshields, though some of them will look elongated in height. The pattern is two opposite and converging straight sides and two opposite and parallel curvy sides.


polar_qtree(r, z, a, scale_parameter = 0.2)





SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


Numeric vector of length one. Quad-tree is a top-down method. This parameter controls the stopping condition. Therefore, it allows controlling the size of the resulting segments. Ultimately, segments sizes will depend on both this parameter and the heterogeneity of r.


The algorithm splits segments of 30 degrees resolution into four sub-segments and calculates the standard deviation of the pixels from r delimited by each of those segments. The splitting process stops locally if the sum of the standard deviation of the sub-segments minus the standard deviation of the parent segment (named delta) is less or equal than the scale_parameter. If r has more than one layer, delta is calculated separately and delta mean is used to evaluate the stopping condition.


A single layer image of the class SpatRaster with integer values.

See Also

Other Segmentation Functions: chessboard(), mask_hs(), mask_sunlit_canopy(), qtree(), rings_segmentation(), sectors_segmentation(), sky_grid_segmentation()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize()
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
seg <- polar_qtree(caim, z, a)
plot(extract_feature(caim$Blue, seg))

## End(Not run)

Do quad-tree segmentation


The quad-tree segmentation algorithm is a top-down process that makes recursive divisions in four equal parts until a condition is satisfied and stops locally. This is the usual implementation of the quad-tree algorithm, so it produces squared segments of different sizes. This particular implementation allows up to five sizes.


qtree(r, scale_parameter = 0.2)





Numeric vector of length one. Quad-tree is a top-down method. This parameter controls the stopping condition. Therefore, it allows controlling the size of the resulting segments. Ultimately, segments sizes will depend on both this parameter and the heterogeneity of r.


The algorithm starts splitting the entire image into large squared segments. Depending on the aspect ratio, starting grids will going from 4×44 \times 4 to 1×41 \times 4 or 4×14 \times 1. Then, it splits each segment into four sub-segments and calculates the standard deviation of the pixels from r delimited by each of those sub-segments and segment. The splitting process stops locally if delta, the sum of the standard deviation of the sub-segments minus the standard deviation of the parent segment, is less or equal than the scale_parameter. If r has more than one layer, delta is calculated separately and delta mean is used to evaluate the stopping condition.


A single layer image of the class SpatRaster with integer values.

See Also

Other Segmentation Functions: chessboard(), mask_hs(), mask_sunlit_canopy(), polar_qtree(), rings_segmentation(), sectors_segmentation(), sky_grid_segmentation()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize()
seg <- qtree(caim, scale_parameter = 0.05)
plot(extract_feature(caim$Blue, seg))
plot(extract_feature(seg, seg, length))

## End(Not run)

Read binarized images


Wrapper functions for terra::rast().





Character vector of length one. Path to a binarized image.


An object from class SpatRaster.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
z <- zenith_image(1000, lens())
m <- !
my_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "mask.tif")
write_bin(m, my_file)
m_from_disk <- read_bin(my_file)
plot(m - m_from_disk)

## End(Not run)

Read a canopy image from a file


Wrapper function for terra::rast().


read_caim(path = NULL, upper_left = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL)



Character vector of length one. Path to an image, including file extension. The function will return a data example if no arguments are provided.


An integer vector of length two. The pixels coordinates of the upper left corner of a region of interest (ROI). These coordinates should be in the raster coordinates system. This system works like a spreadsheet, i.e, when going down through the vertical axis, the row number increases (IMPORTANT: column and row must be provided instead of row and column, as is the norm for objects of the class data.frame and others alike)

width, height

An integer vector of length one. The size of the boxy ROI whose upper left corner is the upper_left argument.


Run read_caim() to obtain an example of a hemispherical photo taken in non-diffuse light conditions in a Nothofagus pumilio forest with a FC-E9 auxiliary lens attached to a Nikon Coolpix 5700.

Since this function aims to read born-digital color photographs, RGB-JPEG and RGB-TIFF are the expected input. However, since this function is a wrapper for terra::rast(), format compatibility is heritages from it.

Use upper_left, width, and height to read a particular region from the file. Although any image editor can be used to obtain those parameters, this function was tested with ‘ImageJ’, so it might be wise to use it.

TIP: For obtaining upper_left, width, and height, open the image on the Fiji distro of ImageJ, draw a rectangular selection, and go to Edit>Selection>Specify. The same workflow may work with other distros.


An object from class SpatRaster with its layers named Red, Green, and Blue when a born-digital color photographs is provided as input.


The example image was obtained with this code:

# to dowload the raw file go to
zenith_colrow <- c(1290, 988)/2
diameter <- 756
z <- zenith_image(diameter, lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !
caim <- read_caim_raw("DSCN4606.NEF")
caim <- crop_caim(caim, zenith_colrow - diameter/2, diameter, diameter)
caim <- correct_vignetting(caim, z, c(0.0638, -0.101))
caim <- c(mean(caim$Y, caim$M), caim$G, caim$C)
caim <- fisheye_to_equidistant(caim, z, a, m, radius = 300, k = 1)
write_caim(caim, "example.tif", 16)

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
zenith_colrow <- c(1250, 1020)
diameter <- 745*2
caim <- read_caim(path, zenith_colrow - diameter/2, diameter, diameter)

Read a canopy image from a raw file


Function that complements read_caim().


  z = NULL,
  a = NULL,
  zenith_colrow = NULL,
  radius = 700,
  rmax = 100,
  k = 1,
  p = 1,
  only_blue = FALSE,
  offset_value = NULL



Character vector of length one. Path to a raw file, including file extension.


SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


Numeric vector of length two. Raster coordinates of the zenith. See calc_zenith_colrow().


Numeric integer of length one. Radius of the reprojected hemispherical image (i.e., the output).


Numeric vector of length one. Maximum radius where to search for knn. Increase this value if pixels with value 0 or FALSE appears where other values are expected.


Numeric vector of length one. Number of k-nearest neighbors.


Numeric vector of length one. Power for inverse-distance weighting.


Logical vector of length one. If TRUE, only values from the blue or cyan wavelength will be processed.


numeric vector. This values will replace the black_level_per_channel metadata obtained with rawpy.


This function facilitates the integration of the rawpy Python package into the R environment via the reticulate package. This integration allows rcaiman to access and pre-process raw data.

Here is a step-by-step guide to assist users in setting up the environment for efficient processing:

Check Python Accessibility:

To ensure that R can access a Python installation, run the following test:


If R can access Python successfully, you will see 2 in the console. If not, you will receive instructions on how to install Python.

Create a Virtual Environment:

After passing the Python accessibility test, create a virtual environment using the following command:


Install rawpy:

Install the rawpy package within the virtual environment:


For RStudio Users:

If you are an RStudio user who works with projects, you will need a .Renviron file in the root of each project. To create a .Renviron file, follow these steps:

  • Create a "New Blank File" named ".Renviron" (without an extension) in the project's root directory.

  • Run bellow code:

path <- file.path(reticulate::virtualenv_root(),
reticulate::virtualenv_list(), "Scripts", "python.exe")
paste("RETICULATE_PYTHON =", path)

  • Copy/paste the line from the console (the string between the quotes) into the .Renviron file. This is an example ⁠RETICULATE_PYTHON = ~/.virtualenvs/r-reticulate/Scripts/python.exe⁠

  • Do not forget to save the changes

By following these steps, users can easily set up their environment to access raw data efficiently, but it is not the only way of doing it.

See the help page of read_caim() and fisheye_to_equidistant() as a complement to this help page. Further details about raw files can be found in Díaz et al. (2024).


An object from class SpatRaster. Single-layer raster if only_blue is equal to TRUE. Otherwise, a raster with as many layers as there are distinct colors in the Color Filter Array. Layer names are taken from the color description metadata.


Díaz GM, Lang M, Kaha M (2024). “Simple calibration of fisheye lenses for hemipherical photography of the forest canopy.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 352, 110020. ISSN 0168-1923, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110020.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
file_name <- tempfile(fileext = ".NEF")
download.file("", file_name, mode = "wb")

#geometric and radiometric correction
zenith_colrow <- c(1290, 988)/2
diameter <- 756
z <- zenith_image(diameter, lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !
caim <- read_caim_raw(file_name, only_blue = TRUE)
caim <- crop_caim(caim, zenith_colrow - diameter/2, diameter, diameter)
caim <- correct_vignetting(caim, z, c(0.0638, -0.101))
caim <- fisheye_to_equidistant(caim, z, a, m, radius = 300, k = 1)

#only geometric correction
zenith_colrow <- c(1290, 988)
z <- zenith_image(745*2, lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
a <- azimuth_image(z)
r <- read_caim_raw(file_name, z, a, zenith_colrow,
                   radius = 300, only_blue = TRUE)


## End(Not run)

Read manual input


Read manual input stored in an HSP project.


read_manual_input(path_to_HSP_project, img_name)



Character vector of length one. Path to the HSP project folder. For instance, "C:/Users/johndoe/Documents/HSP/Projects/my_prj/".


Character vector of length one. For instance, "DSCN6342.pgm" or "DSCN6342". See details.


Refer to the Details section of function write_sky_points().


A list of numeric vectors named weight, max_points, angle, point_radius, sun_coord, sky_points and zenith_dn.

See Also

Other HSP Functions: read_opt_sky_coef(), row_col_from_zenith_azimuth(), write_sky_points(), write_sun_coord(), zenith_azimuth_from_row_col()

Read files writen by write_ootb_sky_model()


Read files writen by write_ootb_sky_model()





Character vector of length one. File name without extension. If needed, a file path can be added to the names. For example: "C:/Users/Doe/Documents/DSCN4500".


An object of the class list similar to the output of ootb_fit_cie_sky_model().

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


path <- system.file("external/ootb_sky.txt", package = "rcaiman")
ootb_sky <- read_ootb_sky_model(gsub(".txt", "", path))

Read optimized sky coefficients


Read optimized CIE sky coefficients stored in an HSP project.


read_opt_sky_coef(path_to_HSP_project, img_name)



Character vector of length one. Path to the HSP project folder. For instance, "C:/Users/johndoe/Documents/HSP/Projects/my_prj/".


Character vector of length one. For instance, "DSCN6342.pgm" or "DSCN6342". See details.


Refer to the Details section of function write_sky_points().


Numeric vector of length five.

See Also


Other HSP Functions: read_manual_input(), row_col_from_zenith_azimuth(), write_sky_points(), write_sun_coord(), zenith_azimuth_from_row_col()

Regional thresholding


Regional thresholding of greyscale images.


  intercept = NULL,
  slope = NULL,
  prob = NULL



SpatRaster. A normalized greyscale image. Typically, the blue channel extracted from a canopy photograph. Please see read_caim() and normalize().


SpatRaster. The result of segmenting r. Arguably, the result of calling rings_segmentation() will be the preferred choice for fisheye images.


Character vector of length one. See details for current options.

intercept, slope

Numeric vector of length one. These are linear function coefficients.


Numeric vector of length one. Probability for stats::quantile() calculation.


Methods currently implemented are:

  • Diaz2018: method presented in Díaz and Lencinas (2018) applied regionally. If this method is selected, the arguments intercept, slope, and prob should be provided. It works segment-wise extracting the digital numbers per segment and passing them to stats::quantile() along with prob, which aggregated result is in turn passed to thr_mblt() along with intercept and slope. Finally, this threshold image is applied to obtain a binarized image.

  • Methods from autothresholdr package: this function can call methods from autothresholdr::auto_thresh(). For instance, use "IsoData" to use the algorithm by Ridler and Calvard (1978), which was recommended by Jonckheere et al. (2005).

  • Method isodata from this package: Use "thr_isodata" to use thr_isodata().


An object of class SpatRaster with values 0 and 1.


Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2018). “Model-based local thresholding for canopy hemispherical photography.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(10), 1204–1216. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2018-0006.

Jonckheere I, Nackaerts K, Muys B, Coppin P (2005). “Assessment of automatic gap fraction estimation of forests from digital hemispherical photography.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 132(1-2), 96–114. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2005.06.003.

Ridler TW, Calvard S (1978). “Picture thresholding using an iterative selection method.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 8(8), 630–632. doi:10.1109/tsmc.1978.4310039.

See Also

Other Binarization Functions: apply_thr(), obia(), ootb_mblt(), ootb_obia(), thr_isodata(), thr_mblt()


## Not run: 
path <- system.file("external/DSCN4500.JPG", package = "rcaiman")
caim <- read_caim(path, c(1250, 1020) - 745, 745 * 2, 745 * 2)
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens("Nikon_FCE9"))
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
r <- correct_vignetting(r, z, c(0.0638, -0.101)) %>% normalize()
rings <- rings_segmentation(z, 15)
bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings, "Diaz2018", -7.8, 0.95 * 0.5, 0.99)
bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings, "thr_isodata")
## End(Not run)

Do rings segmentation


Segment an hemispherical view by slicing the zenith angle from zero to 90º in equals intervals.


rings_segmentation(z, angle_width, return_angle = FALSE)



SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


Numeric vector of length one. Angle in degrees able to divide the angle range into a whole number of segments.


Logical vector of length one. If it is FALSE, all the pixels that belong to a segment are labeled with an ID number. Otherwise, the angle mean of the segment is assigned to the pixels.


An object of the class SpatRaster with segments shaped like concentric rings.

See Also

Other Segmentation Functions: chessboard(), mask_hs(), mask_sunlit_canopy(), polar_qtree(), qtree(), sectors_segmentation(), sky_grid_segmentation()


z <- zenith_image(600, lens())
rings <- rings_segmentation(z, 15)
plot(rings == 1)

Obtain row and col numbers from zenith and azimuth angles


Obtain row and col numbers from zenith and azimuth angles


row_col_from_zenith_azimuth(z, a, za, lens_coef = NULL)



SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


Numeric vector of length two. Zenith and azimuth angles in degrees.


Numeric vector. Polynomial coefficients of the lens projection function. See calibrate_lens().


Numeric vector of length two.


Use the lens_coef argument to calculate coordinates below the horizon.

See Also

Other HSP Functions: read_manual_input(), read_opt_sky_coef(), write_sky_points(), write_sun_coord(), zenith_azimuth_from_row_col()


z <- zenith_image(1000, lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
row_col_from_zenith_azimuth(z, a, c(45, 270))

Do sectors segmentation


Segment a hemispherical view by slicing the azimuth angle from zero to 360º in equals intervals.


sectors_segmentation(a, angle_width, return_angle = FALSE)



SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


Numeric vector of length one. Angle in degrees able to divide the angle range into a whole number of segments.


Logical vector of length one. If it is FALSE, all the pixels that belong to a segment are labeled with an ID number. Otherwise, the angle mean of the segment is assigned to the pixels.


An object of the class SpatRaster with segments shaped like pizza slices.

See Also

Other Segmentation Functions: chessboard(), mask_hs(), mask_sunlit_canopy(), polar_qtree(), qtree(), rings_segmentation(), sky_grid_segmentation()


z <- zenith_image(600, lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
sectors <- sectors_segmentation(a, 15)
plot(sectors == 1)

Do sky grid segmentation


Segment the hemisphere view into segments of equal angular resolution for both zenith and azimuth angles.


  first_ring_different = FALSE,
  sequential = FALSE



SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


Numeric vector of length one. It should be ⁠30, 15, 10, 7.5, 6, 5, 3.75, 3, 2.5, 1.875, 1⁠ or 0.5 degrees. This constrain is rooted in the requirement of a value able to divide both the 0 to 360 and 0 to 90 ranges into a whole number of segments.


Logical vector of length one. If it is TRUE, the first ring (the one containing the zenith) is not divided into cells.


Logical vector of length one. If it is TRUE, the segments are labeled with sequential numbers. By default (FALSE), labeling numbers are not sequential (see Details).


Intersecting rings with sectors makes a grid in which each cell is a portion of the hemisphere. Each pixel of the grid is labeled with an ID that codify both ring and sector IDs. For example, a grid with a regular interval of one degree has segment from 1001 to 360090. This numbers are calculated with: sectorID×1000+ringIDsectorID \times 1000 + ringID, where sectorIDsectorID is the ID number of the sector and ringIDringID is the ID number of the ring.


An object of the class SpatRaster with segments shaped like windshields, though some of them will look elongated in height. The pattern is two opposite and converging straight sides and two opposite and parallel curvy sides.

See Also

Other Segmentation Functions: chessboard(), mask_hs(), mask_sunlit_canopy(), polar_qtree(), qtree(), rings_segmentation(), sectors_segmentation()


z <- zenith_image(600, lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 15)
plot(g == 24005)
## Not run: 
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 15, sequential = TRUE)
col <- terra::unique(g) %>% nrow() %>% rainbow() %>% sample()
plot(g, col = col)

g <- terra::focal(g, 3, sd)
plot(g != 0)

## End(Not run)

Statistical outlier removal filter


Statistical outlier removal filter


  r = NULL,
  k = 20,
  rmax = 20,
  thr = 2,
  cutoff_side = "both"



The data.frame returned by extract_rl() or a data.frame with same structure and names.


SpatRaster. An image with the same raster grid as the one from which sky_points was obtained. If NULL is provided instead, the dn column from the sky_points argument will be used.


Numeric vector of length one. Number of k-nearest neighbors.


Numeric vector of length one. The maximum radius for searching k-nearest neighbors (knn). Points are projected onto a unit-radius sphere, similar to the use of relative radius in image mapping. The spherical distance is then calculated and used to filter out points farther than rmax. The distance is expressed in degrees.


Numeric vector of length one. See Leys et al. (2013).


Character vector of length one. See Leys et al. (2013).


Logical vector of length equal to the number of row of argument sky_points.


Leys C, Ley C, Klein O, Bernard P, Licata L (2013). “Detecting outliers: Do not use standard deviation around the mean, use absolute deviation around the median.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(4), 764–766. ISSN 0022-1031, doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2013.03.013.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), write_bin(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim()
r <- caim$Blue
z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
m <- !
bin <- regional_thresholding(r, rings_segmentation(z, 30),
                             method = "thr_isodata")
bin <- bin & mask_hs(z, 0, 80)
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 5, first_ring_different = TRUE)
sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, g,
                                 dist_to_plant = 3,
                                 min_raster_dist = 10)
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = "green", pch = 10)
sky_points <- extract_rl(r, z, a, sky_points, no_of_points = NULL)
i <- sor_filter(sky_points$sky_points, k = 5, rmax = 20, thr = 2,
                cutoff_side = "left")
sky_points <- sky_points$sky_points[!i, c("row", "col")]
points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = "red",
       pch = "X", cex = 1.5)

## End(Not run)

Test lens projection functions


Test if a lens projection function will work between the 0-to-1 range.





Numeric vector. Polynomial coefficients of the lens projection function. See calibrate_lens().


The package tolerate a number very close to 1 but not exactly 1 as long as it is greater than 1. Therefore, when the test fails at this "Test that lens projection function does not predict values barely below one", the best practice is to manually edit the last coefficient. For instance, changing it from -0.0296 to -0.0295. See testthat::expect_equal() for further details.

If it fails in "Test that lens projection function works between the 0-to-1 range", collecting data again might be necessary.


Returns invisible(TRUE) and print "Test passed" if all tests pass, otherwise throws an error.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), zenith_image()



Calculate a threshold with the isodata method


Threshold calculated with the algorithm by Ridler and Calvard (1978), which was recommended by Jonckheere et al. (2005).





Numeric vector or a single-column matrix or data.frame able to be coerced to numeric.


The implementation is based on the IsoData method of Auto Threshold ImageJ plugin by Gabriel Landini, which is now available in the autothresholdr package (autothresholdr::auto_thresh()). However, I found this implementarion more versatile since it is not restricted to an 8-bit input.


Numeric vector of length one.


Jonckheere I, Nackaerts K, Muys B, Coppin P (2005). “Assessment of automatic gap fraction estimation of forests from digital hemispherical photography.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 132(1-2), 96–114. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2005.06.003.

Ridler TW, Calvard S (1978). “Picture thresholding using an iterative selection method.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 8(8), 630–632. doi:10.1109/tsmc.1978.4310039.

See Also

Other Binarization Functions: apply_thr(), obia(), ootb_mblt(), ootb_obia(), regional_thresholding(), thr_mblt()


caim <- read_caim()
r <- gbc(caim$Blue)
thr <- thr_isodata(values(r))
bin <- apply_thr(r, thr)

Calculate thresholds with the model-based method


Transform background digital number into threshold values


thr_mblt(dn, intercept, slope)



Numeric vector or SpatRaster. Digital number of the background. These values should be normalized and, if they are extracted from a JPEG image, gamma back corrected.

intercept, slope

Numeric vector of length one. These are linear function coefficients.


This function transforms background digital numbers into threshold values by means of the Equation 1 from Díaz and Lencinas (2018), which is a linear function with the slope modified by a weighting parameter. This simple function was found by studying canopy models, also known as targets, which are perforated surfaces made of a rigid and dark material . These models were backlighted with homogeneous lighting, photographed with a Nikon Coolpix 5700 set to acquire in JPEG format, and those images were gamma back corrected with a default gamma value equal to 2.2 (see gbc()). Results shown that the optimal threshold value was linearly related with the background digital number (see Figure 1 and Figure 7 from Díaz and Lencinas (2018)). This shifted the aim from finding the optimal threshold, following Song et al. (2014) method, to obtaining the background DN as if the canopy was not there, as Lang et al. (2010) proposed.

Working principle

Díaz and Lencinas (2018) observed the following linear relationship between the background value, usually the sky digital number (SDN), and the optimal threshold value (OTV):

IV=a+bSDNIV = a + b \cdot SDN (Equation 1a)
OTV=a+bwSDNOTV = a + b \cdot w \cdot SDN (Equation 1b)

were IV is the initial value (Wagner 2001), which is the boundary between SDN and the mixed pixels, i.e, the pixels that are neither Gap or Non-gap (Macfarlane 2011), aa and bb are the intercept and slope coefficients, respectively, and ww is a weighting parameter that takes into account that OTV is always lower than IV. If SDN is calculated at the pixel level, a local thresholding method can be applied by evaluating, pixel by pixel, if the below canopy digital number (CDN) is greater than the OTV. Formally, If CDN>OTVCDN>OTV, then assign Gap class, else assign Non-gap class.

This conclusion drawn from an image processing point of view matches with previous findings drawn from a radiometric measurement paradigm, which are introduced next.

Cescatti (2007) posed that cameras can be used as a radiation measurement device if they are properly calibrated. This method, denominated by the author as LinearRatio, seeks to obtain the transmittance (T) as the ratio of below to above canopy radiation:

T=CDN/SDNT = CDN/SDN (Equation 2)

were CDN is below canopy digital number (DN), i.e., the DN extracted from a canopy hemispherical photograph.

The LinearRatio method uses T as a proxy for gap fraction. It requires twin cameras, one below and the other above the canopy. In contrast, Lang et al. (2010) proposed to obtain SDN by manually selecting pure sky pixels from canopy hemispherical photographs and reconstructing the whole sky by subsequent modeling and interpolating—this method is often referred to as LinearRatio single camera or LinearRatioSC.

Equation 2 can be seen as a standardization of the distance between CDN and SDN. With that in mind, it is useful to rewrite Equation 1b as an inequality that can be evaluated to return a logical statement that is directly translated into the desired binary classification:

CDN>a+bwSDNCDN > a + b \cdot w \cdot SDN (Equation 3)

Then, combining Equation 2 and 3, we find that Díaz and Lencinas (2018) parameters can be applied to T:

CDN/SDN>a+bwSDN/SDNCDN/SDN > a + b \cdot w \cdot SDN/SDN (Equation 4a)
T>a+bwT > a + b \cdot w (Equation 4b)

From Equation 2 it is evident that any bias introduced by the camera optical and electronic system will be canceled during the calculation of T as long as only one camera is involved. Therefore, After examining Equation 4b, we can conclude that intercept 0 and slope 1 are theoretically correct.In addition, the w parameter can be used to filter out mixed pixels. The greater w, the greater the possibility of selecting pure sky pixels.


An object of the same class and dimensions than dn.


It is worth noting that Equation 1 was developed with 8-bit images, so calibration of new coefficient should be done in the 0 to 255 domain since that is what thr_mblt() expect, although the dn argument should be normalized. The latter, in spite of sounding counter intuitive, was a design decision aiming to harmonize the whole package.

Nevertheless, new empirical calibration on JPEG files may be unnecessary since the values -7.8 intercept and 0.95 slope that had been observed with back-gamma corrected JPEG files produced with the Nikon Coolpix 5700 camera are sufficiently close to the theoretical values that it sounds reasonable to interpret them as a confirmation of the theory.

Users are encouraged to adopt raw file acquisition (read_caim_raw()).

To apply the weighting parameter (w) from Equation 1, just provide the argument slope as slope×wslope \times w.


Cescatti A (2007). “Indirect estimates of canopy gap fraction based on the linear conversion of hemispherical photographs.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 143(1-2), 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2006.04.009.

Díaz GM, Lencinas JD (2018). “Model-based local thresholding for canopy hemispherical photography.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(10), 1204–1216. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2018-0006.

Lang M, Kuusk A, Mõttus M, Rautiainen M, Nilson T (2010). “Canopy gap fraction estimation from digital hemispherical images using sky radiance models and a linear conversion method.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150(1), 20–29. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.08.001.

Macfarlane C (2011). “Classification method of mixed pixels does not affect canopy metrics from digital images of forest overstorey.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151(7), 833–840. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.01.019.

Song GM, Doley D, Yates D, Chao K, Hsieh C (2014). “Improving accuracy of canopy hemispherical photography by a constant threshold value derived from an unobscured overcast sky.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 44(1), 17–27. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2013-0082.

Wagner S (2001). “Relative radiance measurements and zenith angle dependent segmentation in hemispherical photography.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 107(2), 103–115. doi:10.1016/s0168-1923(00)00232-x.

See Also

normalize(), gbc(), apply_thr() and regional_thresholding().

Other Binarization Functions: apply_thr(), obia(), ootb_mblt(), ootb_obia(), regional_thresholding(), thr_isodata()


thr_mblt(gbc(125), -7.8, 0.95 * 0.5)

Write binarized images


Wrapper functions for terra::writeRaster().


write_bin(bin, path)





Character vector of length one. Path for writing the image.


No return value. Called for side effects.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_caim(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
z <- zenith_image(1000, lens())
m <- !
my_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "mask")
write_bin(m, my_file)
my_file <- as.filename(my_file) %>%
  insert(., ext = "tif", replace = TRUE) %>%
m_from_disk <- read_bin(my_file)
plot(m - m_from_disk)

## End(Not run)

Write canopy image


Wrapper function for terra::writeRaster().


write_caim(caim, path, bit_depth)





Character vector of length one. Path for writing the image.


Numeric vector of length one.


No return value. Called for side effects.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_ootb_sky_model()


## Not run: 
caim <- read_caim() %>% normalize(., 0, 255)
write_caim(caim * 2^8-2, file.path(tempdir(), "test_8bit"), 8)
write_caim(caim * 2^16-2, file.path(tempdir(), "test_16bit"), 16)
# Note: the normalized values are scaled by multiplying by 2^bit_depth-2
# to avoid storing in the maximum bin because those values will be
# interpreted as NA by read_caim(), and that is undesired.

## End(Not run)

Write out-of-the-box CIEF sky model fitting


Write out-of-the-box CIEF sky model fitting


write_ootb_sky_model(ootb_sky, name)



An object of the class list that is the result of calling ootb_fit_cie_sky_model().


Character vector of length one. File name without extension. If needed, a file path can be added to the names. For example: "C:/Users/Doe/Documents/DSCN4500".


No return value. Called for side effects.

See Also

Other Tool Functions: calc_oor_index(), calc_sngd(), colorfulness(), correct_vignetting(), defuzzify(), expand_sky_points(), extract_dn(), extract_feature(), extract_rl(), extract_sky_points(), extract_sun_coord(), find_general_sky_type(), find_sky_pixels(), masking(), optim_normalize(), percentage_of_clipped_highlights(), read_bin(), read_caim(), read_caim_raw(), read_ootb_sky_model(), sor_filter(), write_bin(), write_caim()

Write sky points


Create a special file to interface with the HSP software.


write_sky_points(sky_points, path_to_HSP_project, img_name)



An object of the class data.frame. The result of a calling to extract_sky_points().


Character vector of length one. Path to the HSP project folder. For instance, "C:/Users/johndoe/Documents/HSP/Projects/my_prj/".


Character vector of length one. For instance, "DSCN6342.pgm" or "DSCN6342". See details.


This function is part of a workflow that connects this package with the HSP software package (Lang et al. 2013).

This function was designed to be called after extract_sky_points(). The r argument provided to extract_sky_points() should be an image pre-processed by the HSP software. Those images are stored as PGM files in the subfolder "manipulate" of the project folder (which will be in turn a subfolder of the "projects" folder). Those PGM files can be read with read_caim().

The img_name argument of write_sky_points() should be the name of the file associated to the aforementioned r argument.

The following code exemplifies how this package can be used in conjunction with the HSP software. The code assumes that the user is working within an RStudio project located in the HSP project folder.

r <- read_caim("manipulate/IMG_1014.pgm") 
z <- zenith_image(ncol(r), lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
mblt <- ootb_mblt(r, z, a)$bin
bin <- mask_hs(z, 0, 85) & bin

sun_coord <- extract_sun_coord(r, z, a, bin, g)
write_sun_coord(sun_coord$row_col, ".", "IMG_1014")

sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, g)
write_sky_points(sky_points, ".", "IMG_1014")


None. A file will be written in the HSP project folder.


Lang M, Kodar A, Arumäe T (2013). “Restoration of above canopy reference hemispherical image from below canopy measurements for plant area index estimation in forests.” Forestry Studies, 59(1), 13–27. doi:10.2478/fsmu-2013-0008.

See Also

Other HSP Functions: read_manual_input(), read_opt_sky_coef(), row_col_from_zenith_azimuth(), write_sun_coord(), zenith_azimuth_from_row_col()

Write sun coordinates


Create a special file to interface with the HSP software.


write_sun_coord(sun_coord, path_to_HSP_project, img_name)



Numeric vector of length two. Raster coordinates of the solar disk that can be obtained by calling to extract_sun_coord(). TIP: if the output of extrac_sun_coord() is sun_coord, then you should provide here this: sun_coord$row_col. See also row_col_from_zenith_azimuth() in case you want to provide values based on date and time of acquisition and the suncalc package.


Character vector of length one. Path to the HSP project folder. For instance, "C:/Users/johndoe/Documents/HSP/Projects/my_prj/".


Character vector of length one. For instance, "DSCN6342.pgm" or "DSCN6342". See details.


Refer to the Details section of function write_sky_points().


None. A file will be written in the HSP project folder.

See Also

Other HSP Functions: read_manual_input(), read_opt_sky_coef(), row_col_from_zenith_azimuth(), write_sky_points(), zenith_azimuth_from_row_col()

Obtain zenith and azimuth angles from row and col numbers


Obtain zenith and azimuth angles from row and col numbers


zenith_azimuth_from_row_col(z, a, row_col, lens_coef = NULL)



SpatRaster built with zenith_image().


SpatRaster built with azimuth_image().


Numeric vector of length two. Row and col numbers.


Numeric vector. Polynomial coefficients of the lens projection function. See calibrate_lens().


Numeric vector of length two.


Use the lens_coef argument to calculate coordinates below the horizon.

See Also

Other HSP Functions: read_manual_input(), read_opt_sky_coef(), row_col_from_zenith_azimuth(), write_sky_points(), write_sun_coord()


z <- zenith_image(1000, lens())
a <- azimuth_image(z)
zenith_azimuth_from_row_col(z, a, c(501, 750))

Build Zenith image


Build a single layer-image with zenith angle values, assuming upwards-looking hemispherical photography with the optical axis vertically aligned.


zenith_image(diameter, lens_coef)



Numeric vector of length one. Diameter in pixels expressed as an even integer. The latter is to simplify calculations by having the zenith point located between pixels. Snapping the zenith point between pixels does not affect accuracy because half-pixel is less than the uncertainty in localizing the circle within the picture.


Numeric vector. Polynomial coefficients of the lens projection function. See calibrate_lens().


An object of class SpatRaster of zenith angles in degrees, showing a complete hemispherical view with the zenith on the center.

See Also

Other Lens Functions: azimuth_image(), calc_diameter(), calc_relative_radius(), calc_zenith_colrow(), calibrate_lens(), crosscalibrate_lens(), expand_noncircular(), extract_radiometry(), fisheye_to_equidistant(), fisheye_to_pano(), lens(), test_lens_coef()


z <- zenith_image(600, lens("Nikon_FCE9"))